Magazine High tech

Gratuitous Space Battles : patch 1.28 et post-mortem

Publié le 22 décembre 2009 par Cyberstratege

Gratuitous Space Battles

Positech a mis en ligne une nouvelle mise à jour pour Gratuitous Space Battles. Ce patch corrige un sérieux bug et ajoute deux fonctionnalités, d’une part les custom challenges et d’autre part un système de messagerie. Pour plus de détails voyez cette annonce sur le blog officiel.

Par ailleurs, vous trouverez sur Indievision un intéressant article revenant sur le développement du jeu, depuis sa conception jusqu’à son lancement. Morceaux choisis :

The original design for the game was totally different. it was not even set in space, or a war game, but was a ‘virtual dictator’ style game where the player had the role of a ‘virtual saddam’ trying to desperately cling on to power. When I started working on the code for that games map, I ended up experimenting with using space and nebula backdrops instead of maps of the middle east (I don’t know why), and pretty soon the dictator sim was morphing into a space battle sim, almost as if it had a mind of it’s own.

Although eventually I decided to go with a semi-realistic look using 3D models rendered out flat, I did experiment with a Tron/Darwinia style neon retro look, the idea being that the whole game was played out on a strategic viewscreen of a space admiral. Eventually I discarded that, although it did look cool.

Gratuitous Space Battles : patch 1.28 et post-mortem

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