Magazine Banque

Le futur de la banque privée en Suisse : Entre optimisme et prudence

Publié le 14 novembre 2010 par B3b

Le cabinet d’audit KPMG, en collaboration avec l’université de Saint-Gall, a récemment publié son étude annuelle 2010 sur le futur de la banque privée en Suisse. Elle fait suite à l’étude 2009 intitulée  Private banking in Switzerland : Quo Vadis?

Basée sur les réponses de 41 banques (30 en 2009), elle rapporte les défis à relever et les évolutions à prévoir en termes de régulation, de produits financiers, de sécurité  des information et de concurrence internationale par exemple.

Le futur de la banque privée en Suisse : Entre optimisme et prudenceSwiss private banks must satisfy an increasingly complex catalog of regulatory requirements. At the same time, clients and investors are demanding greater returns on investment, increased transparency of products and performance as well as improved quality in the advisory services provided. The increase in costs that this is triggering combined with the still unstable international market environment are making these challenges particularly difficult to manage. The study entitled « Defining the Future of Swiss Private Banking” conducted by KPMG and the University of St. Gallen (HSG) has identified some central findings which can be broken down into four main categories:

Growth is making a comeback – the only questions remaining: when and where?

The stability of the Swiss financial system continues to lend a significant advantage to the private banking sector in the country. The Euro crisis also appears to have helped Swiss banks win new business. Cautious optimism over future growth prospects prevails, both in terms of expected NNM developments and the broader environment in which Swiss private banks operate. Conditions remain challenging, however, and some banks might need to adapt their expectations to the new reality of intensive competition and the disappearance of « guaranteed” double-digit annual growth rates. The majority of any consolidation in the sector is expected to be driven by regulatory developments and critical size considerations. The rising costs of regulatory compliance and an erosion of revenues has put pressure on profit margins. Demand to acquire Swiss private banks actively exists, although individually banks are being careful about pursuing an M&A strategy in the current environment. Until certain barriers to M&A activity are overcome, the long awaited consolidation in the sector may prove elusive. Main barriers include: strategic and cultural fit, lack of attractive targets and the level of « undeclared” client assets.

Le communiqué de presse : Cautious optimism and a lot of work left to do in the private banking sector

L’étude Defining the Future of Swiss Private Banking (cache étude KPMG – private banking 2010)

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