Magazine Société

[Ne vous indignez pas, révoltez-vous !] NYPD arrest retired Philly police captain Raymond Lewis at OWS protests – YouTube

Publié le 18 novembre 2011 par Yes

As NYPD arrested Philly police retired captain Raymond Lewis at OWS protest, crowds were cheering. It comes as peaceful Occupy Wall Street protest has turned violent yet again. RT correspondents on the ground report that police have begun to arrest people brutally in Manhattan. RT producer Lucy Kafanov, who is on site in New York, is reporting clashes between police and protesters.

Un capitaine à la retraite de la police américaine s’est joint à #OccupyWallStreet. Il s’est bien entendu fait arrêter, mais je doute que le moral de la police soit encore bien haut après ça.
(PS: Commentaire sur le message d’origine).

NYPD arrest retired Philly police captain Raymond Lewis at OWS protests – YouTube.

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