Magazine Conso

Design Successful Living from Diesel

Publié le 24 avril 2012 par Deco15 @DECOuvrir_deco

 Comment ne pas aimer l’immense showroom Successful Living from Diesel à la Zona Tortona et ces nouveaux produits édités par Foscarini et Moroso ? Cette année, toutes les attentions se sont tournées vers la nouvelle collaboration avec les traditionnelles cuisines Scavolini . Technologie et modularité  pour bien recevoir les amis et pouvoir fêter à la maison ! De la vrai « social kitchen »! Je pense que vous aussi allez être séduits, non ?

Impossível não amar o imenso showroom da Successful Living from Diesel que estava rolando na Zona Tortona. Além dos novos produtos editados pela Foscarini e a Moroso, todas as atençoes foram voltadas para a nova colaboração com as cozinhas Scavolini. Uma cozinha pratica e modular, pensada como lugar festivo da casa, ideal para receber os amigos e passar bons momentos. Fala que não esta tudo de bom ? E essa geladeira amarela Fiat, gente ? Sem contar o ambiente bem Rock n’roll da parte sala. Quem curte ?

Impossible not to love Successful Living from Diesel 
showroom at Tortona area.
The brand presents new pieces from its Home Collection including Foscarini’s lighting and Moroso’s furniture, as parts of a contemporary fable about relax, comfort and dynamic modern living.  But the most important piece of the Home Collection this year is Diesel’s “Social Kitchen”, designed in collaboration with Italian kitchen manufacturer Scavolini. Imagined as the party room of the house, this modular space developed as cooking laboratory and meeting place. A very good idea ! 

Design Successful Living from Diesel

Design Successful Living from Diesel
Design Successful Living from Diesel
Design Successful Living from Diesel
Design Successful Living from Diesel
Design Successful Living from Diesel
Design Successful Living from Diesel
Design Successful Living from Diesel
Design Successful Living from Diesel
Design Successful Living from Diesel


Design Successful Living from Diesel
Design Successful Living from Diesel
Design Successful Living from Diesel
Design Successful Living from Diesel
Design Successful Living from Diesel
Photos: (1 à 10) Jean François de GIACOMI Autres images Diesel

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