Magazine Beaux Arts

Michal Budny

Publié le 08 avril 2008 par Aadb
Michal Budny, Crumpled Letters, 2003
Michal Budny, Rain, 2004
Michal Budny, Air, 2003
Formes et fragments...
Forms and fragments...
''Michal Budny creates sophisticated, meticulous, reconstructions of objects and shapes taken from the immediate contemporary environment (postcards, advertisements, mobile phones, CD players etc.). Small, light objects made of cardboard and other kinds of paper, which is often yellowed with age, are strikingly noble and reserved in their nearly abstract form. It seems that we are dealing with timeless models of things, devoid of utility value that become the quintessence of form and time accumulated. In his recent works, Michal tries to cut out and glue together natural phenomena, which do not have a specific physical form, such as voice, rain or fog.''
Sources: Raster Gallery, Today and Tomorrow

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