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13 novembre Paris,Mons in solidarity with the people of France

Publié le 14 novembre 2015 par Lou
13 novembre Paris,Mons in solidarity with the people of France13 novembre Paris,Mons in solidarity with the people of France

Le Beffroi arborera les couleurs du drapeau français.

Information de Philippe Degeneffe, Commissaire de Mons Capitale Européenne de la Culture.

Mons city also in blue, white & red in . Prayer for Paris , Belfry Mons lit colours of French flag.,

Paris at 212 Km - Flight distance between Mons and Paris ICI MAP click for show map # FromMonstoParis

13 novembre Paris,Mons in solidarity with the people of France

13 novembre Paris,Mons in solidarity with the people of France

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