Magazine Informatique

Découvrez un add-in Excel conçu pour publier aisément dans Power BI

Publié le 10 janvier 2018 par Sopmar01 @mon_cher_watson

Le groupe d’usagers Montreal Modern Excel and Power BI est heureux de vous convier à cette rencontre où la première partie sera dédiée à la présentation de nouveautés Power BI et la deuxième partie à la présentation d’un add-in Excel permettant de publier aisément dans Power BI.

Date : 19 février 2018
Lieu : Bureaux de Microsoft, Montréal
Heure :18h30 à 20h30
Tarif : 5$ à l’entrée


Première partie (en français)

Présentation des dernières mises à jour

En première partie, les co-organisateurs vous présenteront les dernières mises à jour de Power BI qui auront retenu leur attention.


Deuxième partie (en anglais/in english), an add-in Excel for Power BI

Description de la présentation:

Providing Full-Featured ETL From Excel Spreadsheets to Power BI Datasets – by Dick Moffat While Excel has some capability to publish to Power BI, there are many missing capabilities that you will find that you will soon need to turn Excel models into reliable, productive, easily refreshable sources for you Power BI Reports and Dashboards. We are shipping XLPublish, an Add-In for Excel, that “bridges” that gap by providing full ETL capabilities for Excel Data. This product features the ability to convert Excel Chart, Pivot Table, Table and Range data to Tables in Datasets in Power BI and lets you repeat this publish whenever appropriate with a single click (and a confirmation). XLPublish leverages all the spreadsheet Reports and Summaries you may already have and turns them into compliant Power BI Datasets ready to be converted into Visuals for distribution. It also allows you to create advanced, scalable, purpose-built, data-driven Excel solutions for Power BI (or for other internal data needs) – also with one-clickish refresh-ability. XLPublish allows you to use your advanced Excel skills to enable the advanced features of your Power BI Desktop Visualizations from WITHIN Excel itself. Remember that Excel is the place where the vast majority of Corporate reporting data is already. Why not leverage that fact and turn Power BI into your Reporting environment? XLPublish makes publishing your Excel reports in Power BI easy … I’ll show you how you can do all this.

Description du conférencier :

Dick Moffat President and Lead Developer Personal Logic Associates Inc.

Dick Moffat is a Developer and Consultant in London, Ontario Canada and has operated as Personal Logic since 1985 after a decade in the Commodities Business. Dick has been a Full-Time Spreadsheet Developer since day one and a Database developer since 1992. Having consulted to Major Corporations worldwide. This involved many, many custom one-off solutions of Excel and Access solutions. He has been a presenter at Tech Conferences around the world. Dick became an early adopter of Power Pivot and then Power BI and spent a great deal of time studying the technology of the two technologies. A result of these efforts was a realization that Power BI does have connectivity back to Excel files, available processes and techniques were calling out for simplification and Best Practices in order to REALLY involve Excel users (of which there are supposedly 100’s of millions) in the Power BI Dashboarding experience.


Microsoft Most Valuable Professional

Le CFO masqué vous offre un vaste choix de formations Excel, notamment en tableaux de bord et en modélisation financière, ainsi qu’une série de formations en lien avec Power BI. Ces formations sont offertes en classe, en entreprise et en ligne. Nos formateurs sont des experts dans leur domaine et ils sont accrédités par Emploi-Québec et vous remettent un certificat, à la fin de chaque formation, que vous pouvez notamment utiliser pour faire reconnaître des heures de formation continue auprès de votre ordre professionnel. De plus, nos formations peuvent mener à l’obtention d’une accréditation.

Découvrez quelles formations vous conviennent

Pour info: 514-605-7112 ou [email protected]

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