Magazine Culture

Vijnana Bhairava 131 132 Awakening Though Ego And Pointers

Publié le 05 novembre 2020 par Anargala
Vijnana Bhairava 131 132 Awakening Though Ego And Pointers
The practice of plunging into "I am" and the practice of pointers :ahaṃ mamedam ityādi pratipattiprasaṅgataḥ |nirādhāre mano yāti taddhyānapreraṇāc chamī || 131 ||"I am, that is mine" on the occasionof such perceptions,the mind goes to what is free.By the power of such a contemplation, one heals."nityo vibhur nirādhāro vyāpakaś cākhilādhipaḥ |śabdān pratikṣaṇaṃ dhyāyan kṛtārtho 'rthānurūpataḥ || 132 ||"Eternal, powerful, free,all-pervading and master of all :contemplating always on those words,one accomplishes (their) méaning because (they) follow (their) meaning."

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