Menu For Hope : gagnez ! Donate some money and get a chance to win a prize !

Par Foodiefroggy

What is Menu for Hope?
Menu for Hope is an annual fundraising campaign hosted by Pim of Chez Pim and a revolving group of food bloggers around the world.  Five years ago, the devastating tsunami in Southeast Asia inspired Chez Pim to find a way to help, and the very first Menu for Hope was born. The campaign has since become a yearly affair, raising funds to support worthy causes worldwide. In 2007, Menu for Hope raised nearly $100K to help the UN World Food Programme feed the hungry.
Each December, food bloggers from all over the world join the campaign by offering a delectable array of food-related prizes for the Menu for Hope raffle. Anyone – and that means you too - can buy raffle tickets to bid on these prizes. For every $10 donated, you earn one virtual raffle ticket to bid on a prize of their choice. At the end of the two-week campaign, the raffle tickets are drawn and the results announced on Chez Pim.

What Does Foodie Froggy Has to Do with This?
I'm offering a prize!
EU28: A Short Guide to Foodie French…with a touch of salt, by Françoise Blanchard and Jeremy leven. This 100-page book, in English, is a true gem : all you always wanted to know about the different kinds of restaurants in France (cafés, bistros, brasseries,…) and their characters (garçon, sommelier,…), the various cuisines (Bourgeoise, Haute, Nouvelle,…), the etiquette of dining out and a fascinating exploration, from starters to desserts, of french words often found on menus and used in English. [Shipping: Worldwide]

What Next?
1. Choose a prize or prizes of your choice from our Menu for Hope at For European readers, please see the full list of European prizes at Ms. Adventures in Italy.
2. Go to the donation site at and make a donation.
3. Each $10 you donate will give you one raffle ticket toward a prize of your choice. Please specify which prize you'd like in the 'Personal Message' section in the donation form when confirming your donation. You must write-in how many tickets per prize, and please use the prize code. For example, a donation of $50 can be 2 tickets for EU01 and 3 tickets for EU02. Please write 2xEU01, 3xEU02. If you want my "Short Guide to Foodie French", the prize ID is EU28.
4. If your company matches your charity donation, please check the box and fill in the information so we could claim the corporate match.
5. Please allow us to see your email address so that we could contact you in case you win.  Your email address will not be shared with anyone.
6. Bids on prizes will be accepted from December 15-24th. The last day to bid on a prize is December 24th.
7. Check back on Chez Pim on January 12, when Pim will announce the result of the entire raffle. Sara Rosso will also announce the winners of European prizes here.

I really count on you and your generosity !!
Remember that last day to bid is december 24th !!Good luck on the raffle !!