Give me an "S"

Publié le 27 janvier 2009 par Suffragettes

Having a new blog layout is like having just moved into a new flat. You've lost your marks, you've got to get used to the new colours, the new atmosphere and at night when it's dark, it's gonna take you a while before you stop bumping into the walls. But at least, you already know the surroundings and the neighbors...You guys !

I've come to a day when I'm ready to take responsability for what people think about me. This is why I let one of my male friend, decide and create this new identity. The result looks just fine to me and I can't thank him enough for what he's done for me. Anyway, I really hope you'll like the new Suffragettes as much as I do.

For a (new) start, Id' like to introduce you to that song I've been listening to, a lot, those days. This song is sad and melancolic yet quite positive.

 "Sadness runs through him" by The Hoosiers.