Manual for the Measurement of Indicators for Children in Formal Care.

Publié le 15 février 2009 par Zench

Better Care Network a le plaisir d'annoncer la publication du "Manuel pour la mesure des indicateurs de soins formels pour les enfants". Le but de ce manuel est d'aider les gouvernements et les ONG dans le suivi des politiques et de la mise en œuvre des soins pour les enfants qui n'habitent pas avec leurs parents et formellement placés en dehors de leurs foyers.
Cela donne ainsi la possibilité de collecter des données, de tester politique et pratique et de comparer
entre elles les informations provenant des différents pays.

Better Care Network (BCN) is pleased to announce the publication of "The Manual for the Measurement of Indicators for Children in Formal Care"!  The publication was produced in partnership with UNICEF.   The purpose of this manual is to assist countries in strengthening their information system around formal care. The manual introduces a set of 15 global indicators for children in formal care, explains why this information is valuable, and offers practical guidance on data collection for governments and non-governmental counterparts.  The indicators should be used as a common measurement approach to better monitor childcare practices, inform the development of policy and programs and facilitate comparison within and between countries.
Printed and/or CD-ROM copies of the manual are available by contacting the BCN Secretariat at
In the first quarter of 2009, we will be developing a list of professional institutes and consultants who can support implementation and training.  This list will also be available to the BCN community. Please share information on how you anticipate using the manual with the BCN Secretariat.
The manual will be featured on our website in the coming weeks and after that can be located using the search function on homepage