Duplicate Content: Google, Microsoft and Yahoo!agree on a common tag

Publié le 16 février 2009 par Jeantauk

Google, Microsoft and Yahoo! announced last week they had agreed to a tag indicating when two or more pages on one site includes identical or similar content , which document is the “canonical”, it means the one that search engine must regard as the most important, the source of information.

Examples of “duplicate content” of this type:

- Same article available in several sections within the same site.
- Printable version of content.
- Same page acecssible to different urls.
- Etc.

It is therefore sufficient to choose your version “canonical” ( “reference”) of content and add the code in HTML (as well as each version of “duplicate”) the following (in the “<HEAD > “):

<link rel=”canonical” href=”http://www.yourwebsite.com/page-canonique.html” />

While replacing, of course, the address “http://www.yourwebsite.com/page-canonique.html” with the one you want to put forward.

The Google, Microsoft and Yahoo sites!offer examples and FAQs on this subject, please feel free to consult … Of course, this new tag can not solve all the problems of “duplicate content” that search engines must handle, far from it, but it is a first important step for its detection …