Sheyla Hershey fait du 38KKK ...

Publié le 08 mars 2009 par Antoine Toin0u
Lolo Ferrari peut aller se rhabiller face à Sheyla Hershey (Brésilienne de 28 ans habitant à Houston) ! xD
Elle vient de subir une nouvelle intervention chirurgicale qui lui a offert le record du monde des plus gros seins, un 38KKK. Et... Pas moins de 18 interventions de chirurgie plastique (seins, nez, lèvres et fesses).
Sheyla Hershey, born Sheyla Almeida Hershey, singer, dancer, actress and model resides in Houston, Texas. Sheyla is 5’3” and is a talent on the rise. She is a twenty-eight year old Sagittarius. Sheyla is a proud wife and mother. Sheyla was born in Brazil and likes to travel. Sheyla is fluent in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and English.
Sheyla takes her craft seriously in that she has had over 18 plastic surgeries, mostly to her breast, but also her nose, lips and buttocks. She is currently at a breast size of KKK. For this, she has been awarded with the Brazilian equivalent of the Guinness Book of World records award.
Sheyla has interest in various aspects of entertainment. Among having her own record label in Brazil, these interests have allowed her to participate with a Philippine band, attend acting school and various auditions for other endeavors.
She has appeared on national television shows, Fox News and The Insider. She has appeared on NBC’s The Last Comic Standing and will be making appearances in upcoming movies. Her career is just taking off and about to soar to heights of majestic proportions.
Une vraie dingue ... xD
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