Publié le 24 mars 2009 par Zenstyle

IPREDator is a network service that makes people online more anonymous using a VPN. it costs about 5 EUR a month and we store no traffic data. our service is right now in a beta stage. we hope it will be released for the public before 1st of april. sign up now to start using it as soon as we're stable. the network is under our control. not theirs. the pirate bay likes and knows real kopimism. and waffles.

IPREDator by thePirateBay team - Official website

Mouahahahahahahhaha, j'en rigole encore!! Merci donc HADOPI et surtout IPRED [1] pour nous pousser à nous améliorer sans cesse. C'est vrai que le p2p commençait à se faire vieux


[1] loi Suédoise analogue à ce que devrait sera HADOPI