Une bonne citation de Michael Irvin sur Brett Favre

Publié le 15 mai 2009 par Sixverges
Le Playmaker a quelques fois des choses intéressantes à dire…
PFT nous fait remarquer cette excellente déclaration de Irvin sur les ondes de Sirius Radio, au sujet du retour potentiel de Brett Favre avec les Vikings: “I can’t understand this for the life of me. I love Brett and I appreciate his competitiveness and I appreciate the times he didn’t listen to anyone. Because I remember the Monday night after he lost his father and everybody said, ‘Brett, don’t play. Just don’t play, Brett. It’s too tough for you.’ He didn’t listen. It was one of his greatest assets. He didn’t listen and he showed up and he played great and we have a memorable moment to remember on that Monday night, watching Brett Favre play that game because he did not listen to anyone.But the reality is now it’s time for him to start listening. His greatest asset is becoming his greatest liability. I hate the fact that you’re sitting here saying, ‘I want to go to Minnesota.’ You hate [Packers G.M.] Ted Thompson that much that you’re ready to kill each one of those Green Bay fans that cheered you on, that are going to put your kids through college? They made you the rich man that you are. Why kill them? Just let that thing go, Brett. Stay retired and you can make umpteen millions of dollars on number four jerseys in Green Bay. But if you go back to Green Bay wearing that Minnesota jersey? Oh, it’s a wrap, buddy. You lose your whole legacy with that.”
Tu nous enlèves les mots de la bouche, Michael. En essence Irvin croit que si Brett porte les couleurs des Vikings, tous ses anciens partisans vont lui tourner le dos, ce qui est tout à fait probable. C’est une chose pour Favre de porter les couleurs des Jets suite à une transaction, c’en est une autre de magouiller pour se retrouver chez l’ennemi juré de son ancienne équipe. Les fans des Packers finiraient sûrement par lui pardonner l’affront mais ça risque de prendre du temps…