Yawn, it's too early for work

Publié le 22 octobre 2009 par A
So it's 8:53 AM on Thursday, October 22, 2009. 2009... Wow. It's been nearly 10 years since the whole Y2K fiasco. Can you believe it? It seems like it was just a few years ago... I remember during the countdown, my cousin and I went down to the basement to the breaker box, and right when the count reached 0, we flipped the main switch and shut off all the power to the house. It was hilarious. It was also painful when my mom found out it was us, heh. It was worth it!
Windows 7 was finally released today, woohoo! With my new laptop I got last month, I have a free copy of Windows 7 in the mail heading to my place right now, I can't wait to upgrade my laptop to it. Vista is lame. On other news, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 comes out in just under 3 weeks. I can't wait for it, omg. The first Modern Warfare was hands down my favorite shooter game ever, and I just know that the sequel will rock my socks off even more.
I've decided to sell my WoW account for some extra cash, with the condo coming up and all, we sure could use it. Our TV alone costs nearly 2200 bucks, yowza, but it'll be worth it.
Yesterday there was a hostage situation downtown in Edmonton, 11 people (I think, the number varies from 8 to 11) were held at gunpoint at the Workers Compensation Board building by a disgruntled WCB client. After around 10 hours, the gunman surrendered to police and nobody was hurt. It's crazy what some people will do to make their point...
StarCraft 2 is still scheduled to be released in the first half of 2010. Let's hope it doesn't get delayed too much.. Although I don't want to rush Blizzard on their work. They're motto has always been "we'll release it when it's ready", which is agonizing to gamers, but wise to let the programmers/designers perfect the project. Diablo 3 is not likely to be released until 2011 (ugh). That is one major sequel that I'm looking forward to.
Are you a Lost fan? If not, do yourself a favor and go out and rent/buy all of the seasons (currently 1-4 are available, 5 to be released next month). The show is simply amazing. The final season (yes, unlike most shows, this one has an actual plot with an ending, instead of just dragging it on and on until the ratings hit the floor and it gets canceled) starts in January. I cannot wait for it, of all the things that I'm anticipating over the next while (condo being the exception), Lost is the single highest "omg I can't wait" thing for me right now. WATCH IT!