Hearts of Iron 3 : nouveaux packs d’images et de musiques

Publié le 09 décembre 2009 par Cyberstratege

Après les German et US sprite pack sortis cet été, Paradox vient de mettre en ligne plusieurs lots d’unités en 3D ainsi qu’une mini-extension de la bande-son du jeu. Tout cela est disponible sous la forme d’un Hearts of Iron 3 Complete pack, pour la modique somme de 25 €, ou individuellement, pour environ 2 € le pack. Les nouvelles unités concernent l’infanterie allemande, le Japon et l’URSS, tandis que la musique propose quatre compositions dédiées à l’armée rouge et signées Andreas Waldetoft, compositeur ayant déjà oeuvré pour EU 3 et HoI 2. Si vous n’êtes pas fans de Gamersgate, voyez du coté de Steam, où d’ailleurs Hearts of Iron 3 est à – 60 % jusqu’au 14 décembre prochain (29,99 € soit à peu près le même prix que partout ailleurs, y compris dans la boutique Cyberstratège).


German infantry sprite pack

includes 38 new uniforms for various models of infantry for the German player.

* Infantry / Anti-Tank 1936
* Infantry / Anti Tank 1938
* Infantry / Anti-Tank 1940
* Infantry / Anti-Tank 1944
* Cavalry 1936
* Cavalry 1938
* Cavalry 1940
* Cavalry 1944
* Artillery / Rocket Artillery 1936
* Artillery / Rocket Artillery 1938
* Artillery / Rocket Artillery 1940
* Artillery / Rocket Artillery 1944
* Military Police 1936
* Military Police 1939
* Military Police 1942
* Military Police 1945
* Armoured Car 1936
* Armoured Car 1944
* Anti-Air 1936
* Anti-Air 1940
* Mountain Infantry 1936
* Mountain Infantry 1942
* Mountain Infantry 1944
* Militia 1936
* Militia 1942
* Militia 1944
* Marine-Infantry 1936
* Marine-Infantry 1940
* Paratrooper 1940
* Paratrooper 1944
* Partisan 1936
* Engineer 1936
* Engineer 1939
* Engineer 1940
* Engineer 1944
* Self Propelled Artillery / Self Propelled Rocket Artillery 1940
* HQ 1936
* Garrison 1936

Japanese infantry sprite pack

includes 33 new uniforms for various models of infantry for the Japanese player.

* Infantry / Anti-tank 1936
* Infantry / Anti-tank 1938
* Infantry / Anti-tank 1942
* Artillery / Rocket Artillery 1936
* Artillery / Rocket Artillery 1938
* Artillery / Rocket Artillery 1942
* Recon Car 1936
* Recon Car 1938
* Cavalry 1936
* Cavalry 1938
* Cavalry 1942
* Anti air 1936
* Anti air 1938
* Anti air 1942
* Military Police 1936
* Military Police 1938
* Military Police 1942
* Marine Infantry 1936
* Marine Infantry 1938
* Marine Infantry 1942
* Engineer 1936
* Engineer 1939
* Engineer 1942
* Paratrooper 1942
* Paratrooper 1944
* Mountain Infantry 1936
* Self propelled Artillery / SP Rocket Artillery 1938
* HQ 1936
* Militia 1936
* Militia 1938
* Militia 1942
* Partisan 1936
* Garrison 1936

Soviet sprite pack

adds 16 more Soviet sprites in the game.


* BT-5
* BT-7
* T-28
* T-34
* T-44
* KV-1
* KV-2
* IS-2


* Mig-3
* Mig-9
* Lagg-3
* Yak-4
* Sukhoi SU-2


* Gangut-class Battleship
* Kirov-class Heavy Cruiser
* Leningrad-class Destroyer

Soviet music pack

This exclusive Soviet music pack contains over 14 minutes of specially composed music to enhance the experience of playing as the Soviet Union in Hearts of Iron 3.

There are four separate suites all created to enrich the atmosphere of defending the workers republic in the struggles against fascism. Just like for the original soundtrack for Hearts of Iron 3, these additional music suites have been composed by critically acclaimed Grand Strategy game composer Andreas Waldetoft.

Seasoned wargamers will recognize his work from other original music soundtracks like Europa Universalis 3 and Hearts of Iron 2  The war in Russia changed the course of World War II in Europe – will you?