[SHARP EYE] Petite exclusivité, on n'en est pas peu fier !

Publié le 20 décembre 2009 par Michael

Je vous laisse les explications en version original de Marcio... la traduction est en cours pour le site internet www.sharpeye-france.com


New design for 2010.
It was designed from the glider model aiming for a stronger guy that can turn.
The bottom is a single concave with low entry rocker and low tail lift.
It will fell stiff if you have noodle legs but it will be the fastest board ever.
The rails are full and the outline is a bit wider on the nose.
Available in all tail shapes.


Recommended size range: 4.5”-6’6”
This design is the mini-fun design upgraded. It rips!
It has a single to a double concave and a nice tail rocker exit.
It is available in swallow tail only.


Recommended size range: 4.5”- 6’4”
New design created for small to medium surf.
It is a high performance small wave board that allows you to surf like your normal short board.
The bottom has the most amount of rocker of all other small wave designs and the outline is wider than the glider model.
You will go fast and turn tight on those small but fun days.
Available in wide squash, swallow and round.
It should be order 4 to 6 inches smaller than your regular short board.