Dawn of War 2 : trailer, screenshots et interview pour Chaos Rising

Publié le 07 février 2010 par Cyberstratege

Relic diffuse une nouvelle bande-annonce pour Chaos Rising, la prochaine extension pour Dawn of War 2. Cette vidéo permet d’apercevoir de brefs extraits des combats qui vous attendent, que ce soit contre les genestealers ou l’énormissime Nurgle à la tête de ses hordes de démons et de marines pervertis.

Vous trouverez aussi sur Gamespot une première preview accompagnée par quinze screenshots, dont un gros plan sur Nurgle comme vous pouvez l’apercevoir ici, et sur le site officiel français quelques infos sur les space marines du chaos.

Enfin, Jeff Lydel, le producteur du jeu, répond sur Worthplaying à toute une série de questions sur cette extension dont la sortie est prévue le 12 mars prochain.

Morceaux choisis :

WP: Everyone who has played Dawn of War II is familiar with the Space Marines. You assume that the Space Marines and Chaos Marines are going to be somewhat similar, but what are the gameplay differences between the two?

JL: The similarities are fairly superficial. There are Chaos Space Marines and there are Space Marines, the loyalists. When it comes to gameplay, there are a lot of choices that you make in terms of how you’re going to equip yourself. One of the big concepts we’ve added for Chaos — they’re all about worshipping their gods — is worship mechanics. We have Worship and the Heretics. What you get for worshipping is dependent on your commander hero choice. They can build different shrines that have different effects, again dependent on your commander hero choice and which god he’s aligned with. You can also dedicate a given squad to a god, so you can take your Chaos Space Marines and dedicate them to the god of corn, and they receive power axes and melee buffs and they become a dedicated melee unit. They have lots of very powerful options for, say, « I want to be a melee army, I want to be a ranged army, and I want to dedicate myself to that function. »

WP: Let’s talk about counters. Say I’m used to playing the Orks or the Tyranids, and I know how to fight the Space Marines, but what do I have to worry about when I’m fighting the Chaos Marines?

JL: You’re going to have to worry about having some tough opponents that have some very strong melee options, the ability to choose ranged options if they want to, and some really powerful abilities that they can use against you. We’ve got the sorcerer as one of our commanders. He’s going to be able to fire the Doom Bolt out of the box, and that’s one of his basic abilities. That’s very good at countering swarming types of units, like Ork Sluggas and things like that.


Warhammer 40.000 Dawn of War – Chaos Rising trailer
envoyé par Gameblog.