Solium Infernum : patch 1.05b, interviews et précisions sur le futur add-on

Publié le 18 février 2010 par Cyberstratege

Cryptic Comet a sorti une nouvelle mise à jour pour le machiavelissime Solium Infernum. Au programme, essentiellement la correction de différents petits bugs (cf. changelog). Par ailleurs, Vic Davis a récemment fait un point concernant le futur du jeu. Vous trouverez sur le blog officiel un article expliquant le report de l’option permettant à un joueur d’incarner des anges faisant une razzia aux Enfers, option toujours d’actualité mais trop compliquée à mettre en oeuvre pour la première mini-extension prévue. Cette dernière se composera donc des éléments suivants : des malédictions à jeter sur vos adversaires, des bénitiers infernaux produisant des ressources, une nouvelle action diplomatique, des évènements, praetors, artefacts et reliques supplémentaires, une plus grande importance des cantons dans l’attribution du prestige.

La sortie de cet add-on gratuit devrait avoir lieu vers le mois de mai ou juin prochain.

Par ailleurs, vous trouverez sur Gamasutra un récent interview abordant différents sujets sur Solium Infernum, et révélant au passage que le prochain jeu de Cryptic Comet, Rogue Expedition, devrait sortir d’ici 18 mois, soit vers la fin 2011. Un autre nouvel interview sur Game Set Watch aborde pour sa part les problèmes liés au multijoueur ou au choix de Adobe comme environnement de développement. Enfin, si Solium vous passionne, n’hésitez pas à consulter ce petit site dédié et à nous rejoindre dans le forum de Cyberstratège.


Future extension :

So here is what I have in mind right now(and remember this could all change) and it will be a free addition for players who have already purchased the game:

Curses – Direct ways to affect your opponents’ prestige. The plan is for each Discipline except Diabolism to get a unique one.

Resource Fonts – Level up in a Discipline to level 3 and you can create an “Attachment” for a place of power/stronghold that gives you the chance each turn to receive a tribute card that contains an amount of the resource associated with the Discipline (Martial Skill => Ichor, Deceit => Darkness, Prophecy => Souls, Destruction => Hellfire) If you create one then your max Diabolism Level is capped at 6 minus the number of Fonts that you have created. Also if you create a font then the next font requires one level higher in the discipline you are choosing. i.e. if you created a soul font at level 3 Prophecy then a hellfire font will require level 4 in Destruction.

Assertion of Weakness – A new diplomatic action. Make an assertion of weakness before the Conclave against an opponent who has an unoccupied border hex adjacent to your holdings. The Conclave authorizes you to move into the single canton and remain there for X turns. If your opponent cannot eject you from the Canton (and only the Canton…this is not Vendetta) in X turns then you gain the Canton and he loses prestige (and you gain some as well).

New Praetors, Artifacts and Relics

New Events

A Regular Infernal Census every 5 tokens where 1 prestige point is generated for each Canton held


Changelog patch 1.05b

You apply it by overwriting the three files AIScripts.cxt, MainIFace.cxt and GameEngine.cxt it the Solium Infernum install directory which is usually Program Files\Cryptic Comet\Solium Infernum

You can use a .zip file here: Solium Infernum Update 1.05b ZIP

Or a self extracting .exe here: Solium Infernum Update 1.05b .Exe

Important: For the self extracting .exe, some windows systems will not let you copy directly to Program Files so you might need to first copy them to your desktop or another writable location and then manually copy the three files over.

Bug Fix Notes (Only Partial):

Fixed bug where attaching Praetor with level bonus to Place of Power resulted in PoP gaining that level bonus to its level permanently

Fixed bug where player did not get refunded prestige wager from Vendetta when opponent was excommunicated.

Fixed bug where legion returned to Bazaar for lack up upkeep displayed EOF text for artifacts and relics attached.

Fix bug with Dimensional Gate ritual that allowed player to abuse targeting process

Fixed bug where legion that was bought in Bazaar but did not have valid Canton to deploy to had inspect icon on message that caused script error when clicked on.

Fixed bug in level up response message for Praetor who defeated Champion of Pandemonium

Fixed bug where player was excommunicated multiple times with repeat messages and the excommunication list also had multiple entries for player causing problems with Expel the Heretic event and Dissolution of the Conclave

Fixed bug where event to reinstate excommunicated players was not working properly when one player could not be reinstated due to the fact that they were occupying Pandemonium at the time.

Fixed bug where player removed from game was not also removed from excommunication list

Fixed bug in Conclave dissolution process where loss of Pandemonium due to event could result in control being assigned to Conclave which does not exist

Fixed bug where you could dismiss Personal Guard under certain conditions

Fixed bug where Bribing an enemy legion without having a valid deploy hex caused an error

Fixed bug where removal of a player from the game could cause incorrect visibility data for newly created legions in the Bazaar

Fixed bug for Strategic Confusion ritual where selecting invalid target messed up remaining targeting choices