Tropico 3 : patch 1.13

Publié le 23 février 2010 par Cyberstratege

Kalypso Media annonce une nouvelle mise à jour pour Tropico 3. Le patch corrige quelques bugs et ajuste différents mécanismes du jeu. Voyez le changelog pour une liste précise. Le fichier se récupère automatiquement par le biais du jeu.


Update 1.13 including the following changes:

- Fixed savegame-related crash
- Fixed some cases of gameplay freezing
- Fixed Tropicans marrying their own great-grandparents
- Fixed economy faction demands
- Achievements are no longer unlocked by visiting islands
- Adjusted graph ranges in Almanac
- Fixed double salaries being paid for farms
- Added construction shortcut
- Increased soil depletion rates
- Increased off-shore oil deposits depletion rate
- Issueing arrest no longer requires a police station (just a prison)
- Overall stability and performance improvements

To receive this update, make sure you’re connected to the internet and Tropico 3 has unrestriced access. The next time you start your game you will be prompted to update Tropico 3.

The update is also available from all download portals through their automatic update process.

Happy gaming everyone!