Sortie de Sealion 40 et de Midway

Publié le 14 mars 2010 par Cyberstratege

HPS Simulations a annoncé il y a peu la sortie de Panzer Campaigns Sealion 40 et de Naval Campaigns Midway. Comme leurs noms l’indiquent, le premier permet de simuler l’hypothétique invasion de l’Angleterre par le troisième Reich durant l’été 1940, en conséquence de la défaite de la Royal Air Force dans la bataille d’Angleterre, tandis que le second couvre le revirement à Midway de l’US Navy face au Japon en juin 42, ainsi que d’autres fameuses batailles telles Pearl Harbor ou celle de la mer de corail.

Voici quelques images et un résumé des principales caractéristiques de ces deux nouveaux wargames.


Sealion 40


Sealion ‘40 features the familiar Panzer Campaigns interface and game scale: one hex represents 1 kilometer and each turn is 2 hours. The main campaign takes place on a 340 x 180 hex map of the southeastern English coastline, from Ipswich in the north to Weymouth in the south. Hundreds of English hamlets will be the scene of house-to-house and cottage-to-cottage fighting as the British people defend their homeland from the invaders.

Sealion ‘40 also features several scenarios specially optimized for Human vs. Human play, and others specifically for play against the computer AI

A total of 25 scenarios are included ranging from small 10 turns actions covering a snapshot of the action to the monster 378 full campaign game

The September Sealion CG is based on historical German plans while the July CG with Strategy Operations is less historical but makes for a great play with a lot of variations in the CG and with that replayablity

Gamers can use Normal (AI) play, play by e-mail (PBEM), LAN & Internet “live” play, and two-player hotseat

Other scenarios include battles for Eastborne, Ashford, Dorking, Maidstone, Reading, and many more.



Midway features 36 scenarios ranging from small 10 minute actions covering a specific air attack to 12+ hour scenarios covering full fleet actions with dozens of ships and hundreds of aircraft. These scenarios include the entire battle of Midway as well as specific actions, such as attacks on individual carriers and recreations of each attacking wave of aircraft. There is also a “what if” scenario based on the Coral Sea action not having been fought a month earlier. But aside from Midway, the game also includes the historical carrier battles of the Eastern Solomons, Santa Cruz and the Philippine Sea, as well as a hypothetical IJN-USN confrontation at Pearl Harbor.

The larger actions lend themselves to multi-player actions with several commanders on each side dividing available forces between them. Gamers can use LAN & Internet “live” play, or play against the computer AI. Many enhancements were made to the AI during this games development to provide a very challenging environment for the novice or veteran player.

Sealion ‘40 features the familiar Panzer Campaigns interface and game scale: one hex represents 1 kilometer and each turn is 2 hours. The main campaign takes place on a 340 x 180 hex map of the southeastern English coastline, from Ipswich in the north to Weymouth in the south. Hundreds of English hamlets will be the scene of house-to-house and cottage-to-cottage fighting as the British people defend their homeland from the invaders.