Pipe My Ride

Publié le 22 mai 2010 par Dirrtyfrank

I was hesitating to talk about it. I was wondering what would be the reactions of the people that claim already that I'm too cynical with Russia. Well, it's too good to be kept for oneself. When I came back from business trip 3 weeks ago, I could not go home. I mean, physically. I had to make a big roundabout to reach my building door. A pipe freshly installed was blocking everything.It was a big mess and, even, first ever seen in Moscow, the neighbours started to create an association to ask reasons for that pipe to authorities. The answer was quite clear, even on a hand-written page stuck to the unreachable door without any official stamps. The water pipe dedicated to my building is getting really old (from 1957) and the only solution to do something about it is to install a deviation, repair the stuff and then, get back to normal in October...Well, in October...So, we have some tricks to reach home, a romantic wooden bridge, taking another entrance and following the wall or, if you're in shape, jump above the pipe. Amazing
(Photos: Dirrty Frank, seeing his broken building door (no joking) from far far far away)