Hegemony Philip of Macedon : patch 1.1.0, promo et interview

Publié le 30 mai 2010 par Cyberstratege

Vous trouverez sur Rock Paper Shotgun un interview de Longbow Games au travers duquel le créateur du jeu, Rob Mc Connell, revient relativement en détail sur le développement de Hegemony Philip of Macedon.

Par ailleurs, sachez que depuis quelques jours le jeu est en promotion à moitié prix sur Impulse. Date limite pour en profiter … demain, dépêchez-vous !

Enfin pour ceux ayant déjà acquis ce wargame à mi-chemin entre STR et jeu de plateau, sachez qu’une première mise à jour vient de passer le cap de la bêta. Le fichier se trouve sur cette page du site officiel.


1.1.0 changelog

* We now have multiple difficulty levels, for those who would like more of a challenge, or if you’d like Hegemony to be a little less stressful.
* The enemy is now less aggressive in ‘normal’ difficulty. If you liked the difficulty level in version 1.0, set the difficulty to ‘expert’.
* A number of problems with objectives have been fixed, including Bardylis disbanding his men, and not being able to complete kill quests.
* Hegemony now supports Unicode file paths, so it works on non-English versions of Windows.
* Issuing orders is now more responsive. This came at a cost: you are now required to double-click faster. This setting is configurable in the ‘Gameplay’ settings.
* Non-combat units now have a silver base, making it easier to differentiate them from combat units, especially when they’re in cities.
* The asset list is now twice as wide, and units in the field report the region they’re in. Garrisoned units have a (g) next to their station.
* If you have a wide monitor, you’ll be able to open more than two dialogues.