Patchs : Empires of Steel 1.01.12211, Gratuitous Space Battles 1.46, Starcraft 2 1.0.3, SC WW2 Global Conflict 1.03, World War 1 1.07l – Gold 1.08l

Publié le 24 août 2010 par Cyberstratege

Résumé des nouvelles mises à jour.

Empires of Steel 1.01.12211

Notable Changes and Fixes:
- Fixed crash: the game could crash if players gave one ground-unit exit and enter orders on the same pickup/dropoff waypoint. The crash would occur at the beginning of turn-processing.
- Fixed Crash: A crash happens if players are in ‘god’s eye view’ and they hit one of the resource buttons on the top
- Fixed bug: Fixed a rare bug involving flags – when it occurred, flags would not to be loaded
- Interface: Made some adjustments to the progress-window to stop a occasional bug where it won’t disappear
- Added new Unit-Image: The British Mark IV/Crusader II
- Interface: Added a new feature to the scenario editor – popup windows can be setup to appear to different players on different turns. This is useful for explaining the scenario to each player.
- Interface: When the city-build window is open, the yellow city-highlight circle stays around a little longer

Téléchargement automatique dans le jeu.

Gratuitous Space Battles 1.46

Bug Fix: Fixed crash bug where assigning fighters to escort fighters, then trying to edit the range on the invalid order caused a crash.
Bug Fix: Unlocking now works if you beat the previous mission on hard or expert, you don’t specifically have to beat it on normal.
Usability: Game now lets you toggle between old and new stats screens after each battle
Bug Fix: It’s now impossible to put an apostrophe in your username, which was breaking challenges.
Bug Fix: It’s now not an option to fight your own challenge and rate it yourself.

Téléchargement automatique dans le jeu.

Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty 1.0.3

Bug Fixes

• Fixed an issue preventing some players from accessing offline play from the login screen.

Téléchargement automatique dans le jeu.

Strategic Command WW2 Global Conflict 1.03


- fixed a spotting error related to recently arrived LOOP units (Gunnar, Rhino)
- fixed an escort/intercept error that caused Carriers to exceed their two strikes (Gunnar, Alexandre)
- fixed a unit spotting error for units that were recently placed on a Land + Sea tile (Wushuki)
- LOOP arrivals will now check for friendly arrival tiles prior to validating unit placement (Fockewulf)
- hidden submarine units will now pass through each other regardless of mode unless a submarine ends its move on or adjacent an enemy submarine (Ludi)
- Amphibious Transports can no longer shore bombard if their supply is equal to 0 a nd now have the possibility of taking counter fire and damage (SeaMonkey)
- Battleships, Cruisers, Destroyers, Carriers and Bombers can now all be set as ‘Raiders’ providing some control over whether you wish to raid convoy positions or not (ludi)
- reinforcement formula corrected to include current Production Technology levels as applied to current cost of unit type (John)
- fixed an HQ sack/replace MPP deduction error for minors (Vypuero)


- moved the at start Amphibious units for Japan near Midway back 1 tile so that they cannot land on the first turn (Honch)
- US will now drop Atomic bombs, via DECISION 309, if it is in Seoul, Naha, Tapei, Iwo Jima or Saipan (Honch)
- added several new US PURCHASE scripts (Gunnar)
- fixed a US Amphibious planning error that would have units attempt to Liberate the UK while the US is being invaded (Rusty Gear)
- fixed a Penang naval base DECISION event error (david12345)
- adjusted Chinese Garrison scripts for the 1942 Axis High Tide campaign (Honch)

En téléchargement sur cette page chez Battlefront.

World War 1 Gold : La Grande Guerre 1.08l

- Army Roster display is now updated every time an army activation or coordination takes place, as well as when an army activation ends
- Cost of naval mission « In Port » is now set to zero
- Naval missions « In Port » now can not be intercepted anymore
- All naval missions can now be performed only by naval detachments at sea (except for « In Port » mission, of course)
- Added fleet name to all naval missions notification messages
- Surrendered or capitulated nations do not grant anymore any supply to former allies
- Military AI now carefully checks the supply status of areas when considering the redeployment or reinforcements opportunities if the difficulty level is set 4+

(*) Scenario corrections:
- Grand Campaign scenario: corrected placement of English colonial stack in Nigeria
- Grand Campaign scenario: added fixed English garrisons in Nigeria, South Africa, English Africa and British Indies
- 1914 and Grand Campaign scenario: corrected the English event script that triggered the modification of BEF special corps values
- 1914 and Grand Campaign scenarios: French Vth army can now intercept also in September 1914, even if immobilized

Fixed bugs:
- Fixed a memory buffer overflow that caused a game crash in some rare cases when « AI uses all behaviors » option was enabled
- Fixed a bug in Multiplayer that prevented the connection of 3 or more players in the same time
- Fixed a bug that caused an apparent declaration of war performed by capitulated nations
- Fixed a bug in Multiplayer that cause a game stuck in case of Reaction when the reacting force was not the main army of the front
- Fixed a regression bug introduced by 1.08J that made impossible the declaration of war by neutral countries via diplomacy
- Fixed a rare bug in retreat to nearest supply source procedure during land battles
- Fixed a bug in retreat priorities execution during land battles
- Fixed a bug in Reactions: if the first player attempted a reaction, the following active player was now allowed to react
- Fixed a crash caused by a couple of wrong parametrical texts inside German localizations
- Fixed a rare bug that generated a missing removal of old battles so causing in some occurrences the coexistence of enemy stacks in the same area
- Fixed an erratic stack overflow during the load of savegame

(*) : not working for older savegames

World War 1: La Grande Guerre 1.07l

- Cost of naval mission « In Port » is now set to zero
- Naval missions « In Port » now can not be intercepted anymore
- All naval missions can now be performed only by naval detachments at sea (except for « In Port » mission, of course)
- Added fleet name to all naval missions notification messages
- Surrendered or capitulated nations do not grant anymore any supply to former allies
- Military AI now carefully checks the supply status of areas when considering the redeployment or reinforcements opportunities if the difficulty level is set 4+

(*) Scenario corrections:
- Grand Campaign scenario: corrected placement of English colonial stack in Nigeria
- Grand Campaign scenario: added fixed English garrisons in Nigeria, South Africa, English Africa and British Indies
- 1914 and Grand Campaign scenario: corrected the English event script that triggered the modification of BEF special corps values
- 1914 and Grand Campaign scenarios: French Vth army can now intercept also in September 1914, even if immobilized

Fixed bugs:
- Fixed a memory buffer overflow that caused a game crash in some rare cases when « AI uses all behaviors » option was enabled
- Fixed a bug in Multiplayer that prevented the connection of 3 or more players in the same time
- Fixed a bug that caused an apparent declaration of war performed by capitulated nations
- Fixed a bug in Multiplayer that cause a game stuck in case of Reaction when the reacting force was not the main army of the front
- Fixed a regression bug introduced by 1.07J/1.08J that made impossible the declaration of war by neutral countries via diplomacy
- Fixed a rare bug in retreat to nearest supply source procedure during land battles
- Fixed a bug in retreat priorities execution during land battles
- Fixed a bug in Reactions: if the first player attempted a reaction, the following active player was now allowed to react
- Fixed a crash caused by a couple of wrong parametrical texts inside German localizations
- Fixed a rare bug that generated a missing removal of old battles so causing in some occurrences the coexistence of enemy stacks in the same area
- Fixed an erratic stack overflow during the load of savegame

(*) : not working for older savegames

En téléchargement sur cette page dans le forum officiel d’Ageod.