Aquapax@fiac 2010

Publié le 30 septembre 2010 par Waterboy
Once again, Drinkyz is proud to be present at the FIAC expo, through the commitment of its subsidiary Alternative Food and Beverage (AFB).
Drinkyz is a start-up company driven by the relentless search for innovation in the beverage industry. It pursues a twofold strategy:
- The marketing of customized on-demand advertising-beverages, made of mineral waters, champagnes, or energy drinks, which are tailored to the specific brands and events of its clients. To date, Drinkyz produces beverages for BNP, Lagardère Unlimited, Shiseido or EDF.

- The creation and development of original beverage brands, such as Aquapax and Attitude, distributed by AFB. AFB is a distribution operation focused on Food products, particularly beverages, which respect both the environment and the human body. AFB carries two brands that will be present during FIAC, Aquapax and Attitude.

Aquapax is a mineral water brick, whose packaging is made of paperboard in a proportion of 75%. This paperboard, produced by Tetra Pak, is a recyclable and renewable product that shields the water from the adverse effects of air, light, and any external aggressions.

Attitude is the first energy drink that happens to be 100% natural and healthy. Taurine and caffeine free, Attitude features no chemical ingredients whatsoever, and procures its energy exclusively through natural resources such as paulliana cupana, gutu cola, ginger and lemon grass. This next generation energy drink fosters stress reduction, increased concentration, and faster post workout recuperation.

These beverages are mainly distributed through the retail chains of the Monoprix group, such as Monop’ and Daily Monop’, and are also present at the Galleries Lafayette, la Grande Epicierie du Bon Marche, Colette, and Naked - the new bio label of the Jour restaurant chain.
The FIAC partnership is in perfect alignment with AFB’s culture of commitment in the art world and sustainable development alongside both confirmed and up and coming artists. AFB is involved all year long through events and venues such as the COAL association, the George Pompidou center, or the 1.618 fair at the Palais de Tokyo.
Aquapax and Attitude will be readily available at all the FIAC food outlets in the Grand Palais and the Louvre.
Further information on our products and artistic news is featured on the following web sites:
Contact : Alexis Vaillant - 01 56 90 11 20 -