Les meilleurs themes WordPress (en Anglais)

Publié le 10 octobre 2010 par Capmarketer
  1. Best one-column Wordpress themes
  2. Best two-column Wordpress themes
  3. Best three-column Wordpress themes
  4. Best magazine-style Wordpress themes
  5. Best photo gallery Wordpress themes
  6. Best specialised Wordpress themes
  7. Best premium Wordpress blog themes
  8. Best premium Wordpress magazine themes
  9. Best premium Wordpress photo gallery themes
  10. Best premium Wordpress video themes
  11. Best premium Wordpress business themes
  12. Best premium Wordpress portfolio themes
  13. Best Wordpress resources

Cool free and premium WordPress themes

WordPress users have thousands of themes to choose from. We hunt out the best of the best free and premium themes so you don’t have to. You can thank us later.

Best one-column WordPress themes

Manifest: A beautifully minimalist one-column weblog theme with elegant typography and nothing to distract from the main content, be that text, photos or video.

Doc: An unashamedly minimalist WordPress theme, and that’s where its appeal lies. It’s all about writing and reading.

Satorii: A single-column WordPress theme with a minimalist, elegant and clean style.

Simplr: It doesn’t get much simpler than this – white, minimalist, flexible.

Vostok: Less is more. Vostok is a clean and elegant one-column WordPress template which keeps the focus on your words, images and videos rather than on any design elements. It uses light text on a dark background to great effect.

DePo Skinny: A super-simple but powerful WordPress theme with one 500-pixel-wide column. It accommodates categories and tags easily, and features a row of Flickr images across the top.

Fontella: Large fonts and a simple design that highlights a single weblog post at the top, and then recent posts and categories in a three-column footer. Perfect for blogs with good content but low turnover.

Rio: A sexy and modern yet remarkably simple WordPress theme with a large header image, a simple text navigation bar and one column. Easy to customise.

Summernight: Summernight has attitude. It’s a dark, youthful, one-column theme that screams for attention.

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