Andrew Lincoln revient sur son rôle de Rick Grimes dans la série TV Walking Dead

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Pour Halloween, la nouvelle série TV Walking Dead démarre ! Une soirée et une série à ne rater sous aucun prétexte sur la chaîne AMC. Les zombies seront au rendez-vous... Et vous ?
Interview de l'acteur Andrew Lincoln sur la série TV Walking Dead :

L'acteur (Love Actually, Comme t'y es belle !) est très surpris de se retrouver dans un tel projet. Il s'y est d'ailleurs énormément investie afin d'incarner de la façon la plus crédible le personnage principal de l'intrigue Walking Dead. Le Shérif Rick Grimes devient un de ses plus grands rôles. On attend avec impatience de voir le premier épisode de Walking Dead, la série TV.
La saga des comics comptant déjà 12 tomes en VF, on connait la qualité et la profondeur de l'univers de ce comics que va nous dévoiler dès le 30 Octobre la série Walking Dead dans son premier épisode. (Voir le trailer de la série)
Affaire à suivre de très près...
"It was a big surprise to me as well, [...] I'm from London, I grew up in the West Country... But I think there was something that Frank responded to when I put myself on tape."
"I went out early, because if someone's going to offer you a role like this — this incredible part with an incredible channel like AMC — you want to get the basics right," he said. "Obviously, a dialect is a hugely important part, but I wanted to do more than that. I wanted to get a sense of place, so I went out early to Atlanta.
""I've played a New York lawyer before, so I knew the East Coast, and I also knew the West Coast, but I'd never been to the South, the southern states. So I got out early, I got a sense of place, I spoke to people, and I worked with a very, very good dialect coach."
"Frank Darabont asked me to be in dialect for the whole shoot, [...] I practiced and practiced, and initially it felt a bit strange. It felt like i was an inch behind my actual personality, because you're filtering all these sounds and strange noises, and eventually it became incredibly normal. [...] And as everybody knows, I have a lot more scary things to deal with than an accent playing Rick Grimes."
Source : comicbookmovie