Everything Age Fast, même les réseaux sociaux !

Publié le 08 novembre 2010 par Andersonmother
L'agence de publicité Moma basée à Sao Paolo a créée cette série de posters à l'occasion du Maximidia Seminar Series Brésilien, en juillet dernier. Cette série vente les mérites des nouveaux systèmes de communication/sites sociaux actuels au moyen de publicités rétros dans le plus pure style années 60, nous donnant ainsi un coup de vieux à ces inventions ressentes dont nous ne pouvons déjà plus nous passer.Estampillées "Everything Age Fast" (Tout vieilli rapidement) et illustrées d'ordinateurs et autre pseudo iPhone aux allures d'un autre siècle, ces supposées innovations ne semblent plus si merveilleuses. Un avant goût de ce que les générations futures penseront de tout ceci, nous jetant un regard en coin et un sourire plein de compassion.
YouTube : Your Films will Last Forever on YouTube The Champion Address on Internet!Send and watch splendid and captivating films, 24/7. Sports, news, commercials and much more. The most charming and magnificent way to entertain the whole family.

Facebook : Striking Miraculous Social Team-up!Share abundantly your photographs, stories and experiences with your friends and families. For leisure or labour, Facebook is the enchantment "next-look" in social team-ups. Eloquent, economical and modern examples of communication adequate for our times.

Twitter : The Sublime, mighty community with just 140 letters!A virtual locality with a wide assortment of people. That's Twitter! A notorious new mechanism that lets you maintain virtual contact with family and friends no matter where they are. By following, or being followed, you will enjoy previously unimagined experiences like sharing incredible amounts of information including video, photographs etc. Twitter is a truly magnificent tool!
Skype : The Fabulous Voice System Able to Put your Family Together.Skype lets the finest quality for you and your relatives to communicate via internet. The healthiest, most economical and secure way to keep vigorous family bonds miles away. It's more than a telephone. It's a real audio-visual miracle that will put you in contact with a brand new world.
Creative Director: Rodolfo SampaioArt Director: Marco MartinsCopywriter: Adriano MatosIllustrator: 6B Studio