JH Williams III s’explique sur le retard de Batwoman

Par Katchoo86

Une news qui vient de tomber, elle est anglais désolée de ne pas vous la traduire mais il est 1h du mat passé… Mais en gros il veut nous rassurer, et nous présente la 3ème cover de ce comic tant attendu…

Well, its obvious to many that Batwoman’s release has been pushed back yet again. This was not our choice, and as to why, I’m not at liberty to really discuss. So the release may be farther away now, but be assured that work is still commencing. The upside to a later release means that gives us plenty of time to get a lot of issues done. Amy has turned in some variant cover work for the series and has shown us thumbnails for issue 6, looks really nice. So while I’m moving forward, she is too, we’ll have my arc done and hers well on it’s way to completion by the time this thing rolls out. The only real downside is that solicits were pulled on us twice, making readers heads spin, wish that didn’t happen, but it has, lets just make the best of it. I’m fast approaching the middle of issue 3’s interior art, Haden and I’ve started working on script for issue 8, the first 5 covers are done, and Dave has had issue 2 in his hands for his special magic touch.

Its a bit ironic that the release has been pushed back again considering that DC decided to show preview pages this same week. I too was going to be showing the cover to issue 3 in a couple weeks for when that issue was to be solicited, now that solicit isn’t happening at this time. But I’m going to show it anyway right now, to keep spirits up.

Here is the rough sketch done for editorial approval…

Here’s the black and white version. You can see quite few elements were added or altered based on the sketched rough above.

Now the colored version by me, using photoshop. At this stage I had planned on adding that zigzag design motif that is indicated in the rough sketch. But after seeing it this far along, it just seemed wiser to keep the design a little more simple. I’ve been feeling that way about most of the new covers for the series so far. I’m not sure if has to do with the psychology of them, being more on the horror side. But it just feels right to leave off some of the flourishes I tend to do, this time around.

And here is the logo. This was a bit tough to figure out properly because I didn’t want it to be intrusive, but it needed to stand out too, graphically. And there were some space limitations to contend with as well.