Médias sociaux dans la finance: Fini les blablas, place à l’information

Publié le 30 mai 2011 par B3b

Une nouvelle étude du centre de recherche de la Deutsche Bank met en relation le comportement sociologique des internautes présents sur les réseaux sociaux et la finance.

Si vous croyez encore que les réseaux sociaux ne sont qu’une boite à résonance pour des personnes qui s’épanchent sur leur sort ou échange des informations futiles à longueur de journée, peut-être que ce papier vous présentera alors le nouveau profil de vos clients. Une chose est sûre : Les discussions et échanges d’informations relatives au domaine de la finance sur les médias sociaux ne cessent de se développer.

Social media are popular among bank clients. German banks with no or few branches have the highest share of social media users among their clients. Sparkassen and Volksbanken have the least. This reflects primarily the different demographics in the customer bases.

Social media users have a stronger demand for financial information but less desire to see a consultant. Social media users in Germany are more interested in information on all kinds of financial products. Yet, personal contact is slightly less important to them. This creates the need to deliver relevant information via new communication channels. Chart 6

However, few clients want to immerse themselves in financial issues. In a study last year, we found that internet users spent only modest amounts of time (71 minutes per quarter on average) to research financial topics. Obviously, banks need to deliver fast and concise information to make the most of this limited attention span.

Clients want tangible benefits rather than lofty chit-chat from social media. Even US consumers are reserved when financial firms want to connect with them via social media. If anything, clients want special offers. Very few want to be “friends” with a bank.

via Users want tangible benefits, not friendship (Cache – Recherche DB – Médias sociaux dans la finance)

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