Space Settlement Calendar Art Contest

Publié le 11 février 2008 par Labulleyago

"After the Storm" by Raymond Cassel
La National Space Society vient d'annoncer les gagnants du concours d'illustrations sur le thème de la colonisation de l'Espace qui figureront sur le calendrier 2009.
Le vainqueur de l'édition 2009 est Raymond Cassel, pour sa serre Martienne se dégageant du sable, "After the Storm" (Après la Tempête).
The National Space Society’s art contest has announced its winning entries to illustrate the NSS 2009 Space Settlement Calendar.
The Grand Prize winner is Raymond Cassel from Parker, Colorado, with his striking image of a Martian greenhouse digging out from a sandstorm, "After the Storm."

"Moonbase One" by Alex Aurichio

"Asteroid Mining for Station Creation"
by Bryan Versteeg

"Luna" by Joe Vinton

"The Lunar Greenhouse" by Jonathan Chapin

"Martian Evening" by Timothy Hodge
Liens, links:
Space Settlement 2009 Contest
National Space Society
Raymond Cassel Design
Bryan Versteeg
Future Realms
Via: BoingBoing