iTALK ep22: GADDAFI.........This is It?

Publié le 27 août 2011 par Wafi Abdouss World

As rebels enter and Control Most of Tripoli, including The Infamous Bab Al Azizia Compound...have they written the final chapter in the 6 Month old Revolution aimed to Topple Longtime Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi.

OR, is it the start of an Iraq-Like Chaos?

People are Scared, analysts are not hopeful, Rebels are not in full control and Gaddafi STILL is Capable to fight, if you ask me i would say:

if the rebels do not catch Gaddafi, Dead or Alive, Libya will never be Safe for anyone. Libya will be devided in a Somalia-Like way, The civil war will continue and will have its toll on the Country's Economy.

I Saw how Rebels Stormed into Bab Al Azizia Compound, taking, Breaking and Showing Gaddafi's Stuff....I Mean from Clothes to Golden Rifles and Statues.

I Think What i was seeing is an iraq-like, saddam-like takeover in bab al azizia.

Now, The Million Dollar Question is:

Will Libya End up just like Iraq? or This is It?

Photos of Rebels Bab al Azizia Takover: