JA Back in Action 1.03, War in the Pacific AE 1.01.08r9, Advanced Tactics Gold 2.10, France ’14 1.02, Sword of the Stars II 07/02 et 04/02, King Arthur II 1.105

Publié le 13 février 2012 par Cyberstratege

La saga des patchs pour Sword of the Stars 2 continue … mais avec pas moins de cinq patchs à peine dix jours après sa sortie, un nouveau prétendant sérieux entre en lice : King Arthur II. Si vous n’aimez pas lire des changelogs, rassurez-vous, ceux-ci ne sont pas encore trop longs.

Jagged Alliance: Back in Action 1.03

V 1.03 Changes


- Fixed AI not being able to target player that was prone within a certain range
- Improved Camerarange

- Express option at Bobby Ray does not indicate the delivery taking 24 hours anymore (changed for English, German)
- Small typos fixed in tutorial (English, German)
- Czech updated

Camera / Visuals

- Tweaked Camera distance and angle to be less restrictive
- Some minor tweaks on the sight cone calculation to improve performance


- Increased video memory reserved for ground texture baking to reduce texture popping in with camera max / min distance
- File system load order fixed
- Fixed autopause options not being saved globally

Save & Load

- Game checks if game files have been modified and saves modification flag in savegames
- Open doors are fully open after loading


- Wounds and overload do now reduce movement speed of world squads
- Fixed bug where locations would be invisible after combat


- Added cursor changes on portrait when trade/repair/heal action is activated
- Explosive spots can now be accessed from both sides of the wall
- Item swapping in lootscreen added
- i key toggles inventory
- Inventory shows all squad members in tutorial
- selecting player of different squad changes UI in pause mode correctly
- Access to former global inventory removed
- Plants and some other materials are ignored by the context cursor

Combat / Plan & Go

- Preview and actual position of mercs now fits 100%, thus allowing all shots if they would hit while planing
- Tweaked explosion times for grenades to be shorter
- Emmisions of grenades prevent combat reset
- Roofs are revealed if enemies below them attack player
- Tweaked weapons RPM so it’s more consistent throughout different weapon types


- Fixed: change in combat position caused bug in AI attacking behavior – they changed stances very often instead of firing
- Fixed: change in melee attack caused AI to remain in present stance even if they do an emergency melee defense
- Human player enemy detection events should fire correctly again
- Building defenders that are inside a building didn’t rush at snipers. now they should do it if the sniper has LoS on them.
- After enemy contact, AI with medi-equipment all started to heal each other instantly. this is randomized now.
- Fixed: enemies planned their paths through tanks, ending up walking against the tank.

War in the Pacific: Admiral’s Edition 1.01.08r9

The sixth official update for War in the Pacific: Admiral’s Edition, including hundreds of fixes, tweaks and improvements. This installer will update all previous versions to this latest release.

En téléchargement chez Matrix.

Advanced Tactics: Gold 2.10

· Changes
o Fixes production bug when human player is not the first nation.
o Number of bug fixes for editor.
o Added a unit: the jeep
o Stringlist bug in editor fixed
o Mercenary production bug after researching rifle II bug fixed
o Fixed a bug with loading masterfile and overlay map in editor
o Made rulevar box scale to width of screen in editor
o Fixed bug with load/unload in editor
o Some other small bugs reported by scenario designers about the editor
o Number of bug fixes for editor.
o Number of small GUI fixes.
o Fixed execdisbandunit issue with predef units also getting deleted.
o Fuel bug with transfers and ap modifiers have been fixed
o Error catching of event scripts was turned of in v2.08, its working again now!
o Rangers entrench from 80 down to 60
o Katushya’s now use fuel like trucks
o Checks added: checkUnitAP, CheckTotalSupplyUse
o Execs added: ExecSetPeopleMorale, ExecActionCardText, ExecSetUnitCapacityPoints

En téléchargement chez Matrix.

First World War Campaigns: France ’14 1.02

Pas de changelog

Le fichier se télécharge chez HPS.

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter 07/02/2012


Critical Fixes:
+ Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking to launch a bio-missile
+ Fixed all known issues preventing combat with deployed Hiver gates.
+ Fixed a crash that would occur if duplicate province names were selected.
+ Fixed a crash caused by the trade stimulus phase of the turn update.
+ Fixed a crash related to erroneous reactionary movements versus
undiscovered star systems.
+ Fixed a multiplayer desync in combat that could lead to players not
being able to move ships and a potential crashes after combat ended.
+ Fixed a turn update crash related to checking certain victory conditions.
+ Fleets are no longer held up indefinitely at systems with enemies.
This addresses issues where missions could not be cancelled.
+ Fixed reported divide by zero crashes.

Other Fixes:
+ Fixed an issue where players could select the same psionic power
twice for a design.
+ Added missing Morrigi bio-missile collision shape.
+ Fixed accuracy/aiming issues with fixed mounts on drones and ships.
+ Tarka Hunters are now constrained to Tarka Hunter Carriers and said
carriers can no longer take other battle rider types.
+ Dead ships no longer show up in sensors.
+ Fixed the issue where ships were auto-targeting uninhabited planets in combat.
+ Fixed an issue where assault shuttles were not returning from a
planet if it was defeated.
+ Fixed an issue where techs that should add to the production cost of
ships were reducing the production cost instead.
+ Fixed issues with duplicated psionic icons in the selector.
+ Fixed issue with modules not loading in the design screen.
+ Fixed the issue where AI players would issue missions to unknown star systems.
+ Fixed an issue where certain ship armor data could go missing.
+ Fixed an issue where the battle rider manager was not showing riders
already assigned to ships.
+ Gate traffic cost is no longer applied for fleets already at their
+ Fixed an issue where the starmap display was not updated after
committing an upgrade mission.
+ Fixed some known turret arc issues.
+ Fixed an issue where PD missiles were not taking out other missiles.
+ Added a fail-safe to certain effects that might not otherwise
expire, creating a memory leak in combat.

Other Changes:
+ Tweaks to drones.
+ Hooked up Psionic recharge bar.

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter 04/02/2012


Critical Fixes:
+ Fixed a combat memory leak.
+ Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking the research cube on
the star map.
+ Fixed a crash that would occur in the research screen when the
slider was set all the way to government.
+ Torpedoes now apply damage to planets.
+ Fixed a bug that caused battleriders to crash the design tooltip.
+ Fixed a crash that could occur when requesting enclaves.

Other Fixes:
+ Fixed missing Bio-missile art for Morrigi.
+ Fixed a couple Human, Hiver and Morrigi DLC art issues.
+ Fixed the problem with some carriers not being able to rotate while
riders were docked.
+ Fixed an issue with riders taking too long to dock.
+ Fixed a couple issues that were leading to phantom fleets, related
to deployed gates and defense fleets.
+ Carriers can now carry other carriers.
+ Fixed an issue where loaded games could mix up player ID’s.
+ Fixed known issues with Kingfisher.
+ Fixed issues where ships were not targeting stations correctly in combat.
+ Fixed an issue where destroying the mission section on the ship
would kill all crew onboard.
+ Fixed an issue with Game Setup options resetting when switching maps.
+ Fixed issues with combat AI splitting targets.
+ Fixed issues where bio-missiles were not launching.
+ Added missing bonus for Expert Systems.
+ Added missing bonus for Orbital Drydocks.
+ Added missing bonus for Heavy Platforms.
+ Corrected bonus for Materials Applications.
+ Fixed a bug that was causing designs to return incorrect attributes
once they had been committed.
+ Fixed a bug that was reporting the build times for ships with naval
stations incorrectly.
+ Removed duplicate “destination” text from fleet lists.
+ Made a change to address the concern that missiles would continue to
move after combat had ended.
+ Battle riders are now silent while docked.
+ Fixed known issues where tracking weapons would fail to hit ship
targets after their sections were destroyed.
+ Turrets no longer fire missiles after the crew are killed.
+ Fixed an issue where assault shuttles would not return to tender.
+ Fixed combat AI not launching battle riders.
+ Fixed the decimal place in reported post-combat damage.
+ Fixed issue where ships would not point off the horizontal combat
plane to aim.
+ Fixed an issue where the AI was making poor/mixed weapon decisions
when designing ships.
+ Fixed an issue where a colonization was available for targets with
known enemy colonies.
+ Fixed a handful of sounds that did not have attenuation set and were
therefore audible from everywhere in combat.
+ Fixed known issues where the Hiver gate traffic was not being
updated correctly.
+ Fixed known issues where Liir were no longer being slowed in
proximity to gravity wells.
+ Addressed handful of engine types that could be heard constantly
regardless of distance from camera.
+ Addressed variety of standard turrets that weren’t able to target straight up.

Other Changes and Additions:
+ Psionics can now be researched, designed into ships and activated in the game.
+ It is now possible to repair riders in the repair dialog.
+ Added antialiasing to many parts of the game. 3D scenes now use FXAA
antialiasing by default, which can be disabled in the launcher if desired.
+ Reduced fleet icon click radius on the star map.
+ Biomissile and other super-class weapons are now reported in the
post-combat dialog.
+ Added plague effects.
+ Increased pitch range of turrets across the board to make them more
effective at PD off the combat plane.
+ Sensor range discs now have clearly defined boundaries in combat.

King Arthur II – The Roleplaying Game 1.105

- Knights of the Lights Leadership cost fixed
- Summerborn and Winterbreed units recruitment cost and skills fixed
- Damage boosting skills fixed (e.g. Voice of the Shadows – properly boosts shadow damage)
- Experience points balancing
- Red Knight battle nerfed
- Huge Demon shooting defense buffed
- Wounds of the Land Objective fixed
- Heroes of Eboracum battle buffed
- Morgawse, Dal Riata and Pictland ruler naming fixed
- Buildings increasing HP and Damage fixed
- Slider not showing up when selecting units from three armies fixed
- Artifact giving the same bonus twice works properly
- Defeating Fomorian armies gives reputation properly to the appropriate Rulers
- Research items bug fixed
- Some trait bugs fixed
- Units that have no skills to choose at levelling does not display the golden wreath anymore.
- Experienced retainers skill fixed
- Drag and drop from Artifact Forge slots fixed
- Castle location provides Leadership even if the liege lord is a secondary hero
- Equipped two-handed weapon visually denies the other weapon slot
- Location slot issue fixed
- Arm bonuses from Locations fixed
- Multiple battle warnings issue fixed
- Diplomacy warnings at dead rulers fixed
- Flashing unit circles in battles (at selecting direction) fixed
- Accumulated units at selecting direction fixed
- Leadership issues fixed
- Magic Shield boosting at AI armies and Shield boosting spells for AI heroes added
- Mana of the AI heroes on high levels buffed
- 1280*1024 resolution GUI problems fixed
- Missing pictures for forged artifacts added

Known issues – fixing in progress

- Proper pop-up info about casted spells (Spellpower)
- Seelie Council Guards model
- Wyrmligs high tier model
- Wrong characters in the name of some enemy heroes
- Missing textures on two battlefields
- Wrong surface on two battlefields
- Increased and more proper AI spell usage (e.g. Dispel)
- Desperate Mobs bug
- William Pendragon’s Grail Shard skill bug
- Warlocks of Morgawse quest issue
- Giants of Morgawse quest issue

King Arthur II – The Role-playing Wargame v1.1.04

- Champions of Balor Objective fixed (the location is destroyed at certain options)
- Harbingers of Sickness Event fixed (the player looses the location)
- Artifact battle rewards (4 or more) fixed
- hero skill levelling animation fixed
- Living Statue Tier level fixed
- Diplomacy notify window fixed (selects the ruler of the available diplomacy action)
- unit selection does not change after selecting spell target on the GUI
- Philbius’s Flamewall fixed
- Northward Bound quest fixed (Morgana is required)
- Sidhe Council “alliance” political action fixed
- Crystal Shards spell levelling fixed
- Chain lightning spell (at heroes and Victory Locations) became stronger
- Other minor bug and balancing fixes

Known issues – fixing in progress

- multiple battle warnings issue
- diplomacy warnings at dead rulers
- flashing unit circles in battles (at selecting direction)
- accumulated units at selecting direction
- Leadership issues
- Magic Shield boosting at AI armies and Shield boosting spells for AI heroes
- more Mana for AI heroes on high levels
- “Experienced retainers” skill issue
- 1280*1024 resolution GUI problems
- missing pictures of forged artifacts

King Arthur II – The Roleplaying Game 1.103

-Added infantry ability to follow and guard archers automatically
-Balanced Dal Riata battle
-Fixed missing model for Tier 4 “Pict warriors”
-Fixed flag loading error occurring when loading saved games
-Fixed missing pictures for some units
-Reaching the “Tomb of the Emperor” without acquiring Morgana is no longer possible
-Various scenario fixes
-Various quest fixes
-Other minor bug and balancing fixes

King Arthur II – The Roleplaying Game 1.102

-Fixed crashing battles (Pict armies and Fomorian raiding armies)
-Adventure and diplomatic quest fixes
-Modified skills (Chain lightning, Summon skills, Power of Sacrifice)
-Fixed experience level display and reduced experience required for higher levels
-Fixed some artifact drag and drop issues in heroes’ inventory and Artifact Forge inventory
-Modified Leadership bonuses of artifacts
-Increased Leadership value (Warlord class – level up choice)
-Fixed missing unit images and artifact icons
-Beast Lairs allow two units to be recruited per Lair
-Some of the Morality Lairs allow two units to be recruited
-Lair creatures acquired in quests no longer limit maximum availability
-Fixed ruler naming
-Kingdom of Alba: army behavior fixed
-Added automatic replenishment for Morgana’s core units while questing in the Northern territories
-Fixed experience levels for Sir Galahad’s army
-Fixed hero skill trees (Philbius, Numerius Andronicus)
-Player’s units will be at full strength if battle occurs while replenishing losses
-Removed empty Ring of Gorlois recipe from the Encyclopedia (became an acquirable set item)
- Other minor bug and balancing fixes

Known issues – fixing in progress

-Improved ground units defense against flying units
-Dal’ Riata battle difficulty and enhanced ability to fight dragons
-No Will to Fight values on some units
-Missing unit skills when received at higher levels than 5th
-Issues with closing Nether gates at Tier 4
-Some unit animation bugs

King Arthur II – The Roleplaying Game 1.101

- Fixed issue with armies spawning on top of each other with no deployment
- Fixed stone circle teleporting, both in main and prologue campaign
- Fixed loops, incorrect texts and other bugs in quests
- Fixed issues with diplomatic actions
- Changed spell penetration level for several spells (e.g. Meteor Strike, Enchanted fog)
- Decreased effectiveness of Resurrection spell to reasonable level
- Decreased combat stats of Changeling/Sidhe units to reasonable levels
- Fixed emergence order of Shard abilities
- Fixed difficulty level issues in regard the Mad Emperor’s army
- Casting unit abilities applies to all units selected
- Improved general game performance, added option to disable multi GPU optimization
- Other minor bug and balancing fixes