Richard edelman : 'les relations publiques 2.0 sont un avantage competitif pour nous'

Publié le 17 mars 2008 par Verbal Kint
1) Ever closer link between corporate reputation and brands. Over the past five years, there has been a growing recognition among PR executives that corporate image cannot stand apart from brand marketing. In fact, companies such as Procter & Gamble which had previously emphasized brands (Tide, Crest) to the consumer and downplayed the corporate brand have changed their policy. (...)

2) Financial services companies will be in a long term reputation re-building mode and will require serious investment in PR. The benefits of innovation in this sector are clear but the lack of transparency and now loss of trust mean that this sector can no longer simply speak substantively to opinion leaders while selling to customers. (...)

3) Sovereign wealth funds such as Singapore's Temasek will be this year's private equity poster boys for greed unless fast action is taken. You can be sure that difficult economic circumstances in the US, UK and Europe will provoke politicians such as John Edwards to grab the issue of rapacious foreigners swooping in to buy distressed assets. (...)


4) Les aspects numériques des relations publiques vont continuer à croître, même si nous avons besoin de nous concentrer spécialement sur l'approche Web 2.0, grâce à laquelle nous développons de réels avantages compétitifs. L'idée d'un média facilitant le dialogue entre tierces parties, générant des contenus influents reliées à des sources uniques et animant des campagnes mettant en scène l'expertise et l'expérience des parties prenantes constitue la voie à suivre. Nous pouvons concurrencer les agences interactives et publicitaires, mais faisons le à partir de nos propres forces. Reconnaissons également qu'avant tout chose, notre plus grand défi reste la conversion de nos équipes client au Web 2.0 afin de leur permettre d'incorporer la vidéo à leurs briefs et de fournir des contenus transparents et de qualité à leurs communautés. Les relations publiques resteront une industrie en forte croissance si nous continuons de compter sur le dialogue, l'investissement des actionnaires et les relations, mais également à condition de prendre la mesure des enjeux représentés par le monde digital.*

5) China will be an even bigger focus for news in the coming year, given the Beijing Olympics, trade, electoral politics in the US, environment and product quality issues. As per my last post, the Chinese Government is committed to change in its communications policy. The trade-off between economic growth and environment is so evident. Investment in infrastructure is struggling to keep up with development. (...)

6) The value of real people as spokesmen is only growing. Fred Krupp, director of Environmental Defense, is writing a book due out in March on why there is hope for environmental change. (...)

7) The need to be true to your brand has never been more evident. When Columbia University President Lee Bollinger hosted Iranian President Ahmenidijad at a public meeting last spring, his caustic introductory remarks became global news. In fact, this stimulated a horrific reaction at the University, with the faculty upset by the evident lack of commitment to free speech, and throughout the Middle East where this was further proof of American bias. (...)

8) Watch for a revival of mainstream media, as the Wall Street Journal on-line drops its subscription fee and broadcasters like CNN and BBC embrace consumer generated content. Trust in media is soaring according to the Edelman Trust Barometer 2008.

*Traduction libre personelle, toute proposition d'amélioration constructive sera la bienvenue
Source Blog de R. Edelman
Image Octavio Rojas
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