How Contactless Payment Cards Will Lead to Mobile Payments

Publié le 24 avril 2008 par Denisvacher
Paymentsnews relaie avec sa propre synthèse le nouveau rapport de Javelin (pdf preview téléchargeable) sur le déploiement du NFC et l'impact sur la sphère de la finance personnelle. Rappelons que Javelin est américain et en voici un extrait (source Paymentsnews) :
“Tap-and-go contactless payments will pave the way for cell phones and handheld computers to become 'electronic wallets,' packed with consumers’ payment and merchant cards, coupon offers, even medical records, family pictures and more,” said Javelin’s Founder and President, James Van Dyke. “But consumers won’t benefit until the primary players — card networks, financial institutions, mobile carriers, merchants and handset manufacturers — work together toward a unified, simple solution that lets everyone win.”
NB : concernant les business modeles, le Mobey forum a un document "Mobile Financial Services: Enrolment Business Model Analysis" ouvert aux commentaires publics.