Outils de recherche (07/05/08)

Publié le 07 mai 2008 par Pintini
- 99 ressources pour "attaquer" le web invisible
(source: Outils Froids, 03/05/08)
- Microsoft annule l’offre faite à Yahoo
(source: TechCrunch, 04/05/08 + lire aussi, et aussi, et aussi)
- WikiDashboard: Providing social transparency to Wikipedia
(source: Augmented Social Cognition, 05/05/08)
- Surchur
(source: P. Bradley, 05/05/08)
Moteur multi/meta-recherche
- Infonortics Search Engine Meeting (présentations)
(source: Federated Search, 06/05/08)
- MuseGlobal and Adhere Solutions partner to deliver federated search for the Google Search Appliance
(source: Library Technology Guides, 07/05/08)