Les Bonnes Pratiques Marketing de la Semaine

Publié le 21 novembre 2013 par Frederic Canevet @conseilsmkg

Voici la sélection des présentations Powerpoint originales et pertinentes que nous vous sélectionnons chaque semaine… Si vous avez des suggestions de PPT à mettre en avant, laissez un commentaire…

Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling from @powerfulpoint

How to Ace Your Media Interview – Media Training Tips from Penguin Random House

Killer Social Media Marketing Ideas From Top Brands from Lisa Parkin

Technology and the future of education, learning, knowledge and universities (futurist speaker Gerd Leonhard) from Futurist Gerd Leonhard

The 35 hour day manifesto from Yann Ruello

The Epic Collision of Marketing & Technology from ion interactive

EMPATHY: The Key to Brand Success in 2014 (mobileYouth) from Graham Brown (mobileYouth)

brandshare: Edelman’s Consumer Marketing Study from Edelman Insights

Ressources numériques : les tendances from Gaudion Anne-Gaelle

The future of customer care from Koen Delvaux

The Face of Google in 2014 from Peter Meyers

A (Brief) History of User Experience from Chris Pallé