Tibor Nagy – Fine art

Par Lilavert @LilaVert
  • Tibor Nagy - peinture - Fine art /

  • Tibor Nagy - Fine art

  • Tibor Nagy - Fine art - ghost town

  • Tibor Nagy - peintures- Fine art

  • Tibor Nagy - Fine art / Portrait


Tibor Nagy – Fine art

Tibor Nagy – Fine art : was born and raised in a small town called Rimavská Sobota in Slovakia which lies in the heart of Europe. He grew up in a family of musicians. Since a very young age, Tibor found himself deeply connected with nature and graphic expression in many forms felt very natural to him. Experience gained in nature and experience in artistic field constantly complemented each other. This created a strong basis which influenced his entire artistic development as well as remaining an endless source of inspiration for him as a self-taught artist.


Tibor Nagy – Fine art : est né et a grandi dans une petite ville appelée “Rimavská Sobota” en Slovaquie. Il a grandi dans une famille de musiciens. Depuis son plus jeune âge, Tibor se trouva profondément connecté avec la nature et l’expression graphique. Son expérience de la nature et dans le domaine artistique se complete, créant une base solide à son évolution artistique et restant une source inépuisable d’inspiration pour lui.