NaturalMotion Euphoria GTA IV Engine

Publié le 05 mai 2008 par Labulleyago

NaturalMotion dévoile la toute nouvelle démo technologique de son moteur Euphoria, qui permet de gérer des animations en temps réel dans les jeux video, comme Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA4) et Star Wars: Force Unleashed.
La video de démonstration montre un degré de réalisme très impressionnant!
Euphoria was developed by NaturalMotion, an Oxford- and San Francisco-based software developer founded by Torsten Reil, and will debut in the hotly anticipated Grand Theft Auto IV on April 29, 2008.
NaturalMotion has revealed a new video showcasing their breakthrough Euphoria engine, the animation technology that generates human motions in real-time. The video illustrates how Euphoria enables game characters to be truly interactive and exhibit a previously impossible degree of realism.
Liens, links:
NaturalMotion Euphoria
Via: Scoopeo