Graffiti in London (Part.III)

Par Marmouz

La suite du graffiti made in London (#1 #2).


Classé dans:Affiche, Experimental, Graffiti, Photo, UK Tagged: 2013, 2014, Above, Affiches, Artik, Brick Lane, briques, Buxton Street, CCTV, collage, fresque, Graffiti, Gregos, Horse Power, London, Londres, LTB, mosaïque, MSK, mur, noir, Noirnoah, Obey, owl howl, Photos, Pixel Pancho, pochoir, poster, Privateyes, Simpre Nos Quadara London, Sliced Pineapple, smile, stencil, Sterling, stickers, Stop the Boats, street, Street Art, This Probably Won't Be Available On Canvas Later, Troma, UK, wall