Graffiti in London (Part.IV)

Par Marmouz

Quatrième partie de cette longue série sur le street art londonien (#1 #2 #3).


Classé dans:Affiche, Experimental, Graffiti, Photo, UK Tagged: 2013, 2014, Affiches, Amara Por Dios, Brick Lane, briques, CCTV, City of Ronzo, collage, Ekon, facebook, fresque, Graffiti, I Love London, Jésus Christ, Krool, London, Londres, Missing, mosaïque, MSK, mur, noir, owl howl, Pedley Street, Photos, pochoir, poster, Revolution Needs You !, School of Thought, smile, Space Invader, stencil, Sterling, stickers, street, Street Art, surveillance, TV, UK, Urban Solid, wall, What The Funk