Message de solidarité des syndicats de journalistes #CharlieHebdo

Publié le 09 janvier 2015 par Ivanberaud

Mogens Blicher Bjerregård, président de la FEJ

I send all my thougths to our colleagues in France and in particular at Charlie Hebdo. It is terrible – and now we all have to help, react and use all our efforts in this horrible case. My deepest sympathies Mogens Blicher Bjerregård

Danemark – DJ

“What we are witnessing today is an absolutely appalling and horrific attack on Charlie Hebdo. But it is not just an attack on Charlie Hebdo. It is an attack on the free press all over the world, and it has been committed by people who despise democracy and the vital role of a free press in a free society,” says Mogens Blicher Bjerregaard, chairman of the Danish Union of Journalists. Mogens Blicher Bjerregaard, who is also chairman of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), also said: “The attack on Charlie Hebdo touches us all, and is naturally reminiscent of the 2006 cartoon crisis. As journalists, artists and media people, we are deeply affected by such an attack. But we must not refrain from doing our absolutely necessary journalistic work, or impose self-censorship.” “I hope that the French authorities will arrest the perpetrators and bring them to justice, and that the free press around the world will be given the protection that is necessary to prevent similar incidents.” Charlie Hebdo visited the International Media Festival of the Danish Union of Journalists last November. Read the reports here. Mogens Blicher Bjerregård may be contacted via Troels Johannesen at +45 2725 8059.

Russie – Syndicat des journalistes de Russie

Dear friends, We are overwhelmed with grief and shocked by the tragic news of Charlie Hebdo attack. Please accept and pass our sincerest condolences to colleagues, families and friends of killed journalists. This mad crime, this attack on journalism should be immediately investigated with great care and the perpetrators must be brought before the law. Our thoughts are with you this day. On behalf of the RUJ staff and members, Vsevolod Bogdanov, Nadezda Azgikhina Tim Shafir Moscow

Belgique – AJP

L’AJP est profondément choquée par l’attaque barbare qui a frappé des collègues français de Charlie Hebdo ce mercredi 07 janvier 2015. Le carnage lâche et abominable dont les journalistes, dessinateurs de presse et policiers ont été victimes est la négation de toutes nos valeurs de démocratie et de liberté d’expression. L’attaque qui s’est déroulée devant le siège de Charlie Hebdo, dans le quartier de la Bastille à Paris, a fait au moins 12 morts, parmi lesquels les dessinateurs de presse Cabu, Charb, Tignous et Wolinski. L’AJP présente ses condoléances aux familles des victimes et invite ses membres à s’associer à la minute de silence que la Fédération européenne des journalistes (FEJ) organisera ce jeudi 08 janvier, à 11 heures, dans le hall du Résidence palace (155 rue de la Loi à Bruxelles).

Argentine – Sindicato de Prensa de Salta

En mi carácter de secretaria general del Sindicato de Prensa de Salta, República Argentina, manifiesto mi sentido pésame, como el de mis afiliados por el atentado que tuvo por víctimas a los colegas periodistas del Charlie Hebdo, lamentando profundamente que los gobiernos del mundo desatiendan la seguridad de los trabajadores de prensa. Manifiesto nuestra total solidaridad con uds. Saludos cordiales, Alejandra Paredes Periodista Salta, Arg

France – SNJ-CGT

La CGT horrifiée par l’attentat meurtrier à Charlie-Hebdo
Après l’odieux attentat ayant fait plus d’une dizaine de morts et plusieurs blessés au siège de l’hebdomadaire Charlie-Hebdo, ce mercredi matin, la direction confédérale de la CGT et le SNJ-CGT, horrifiés, tiennent à assurer l’ensemble des journalistes et des personnels du journal, ainsi que tous leurs proches, de leur totale solidarité.
Profondément choquée par cet acte odieux, attristée et en colère, la CGT rappelle et salue le courage de ces hommes et ces femmes qui chaque jour, chaque semaine, malgré les intimidations et les menaces, défendent la liberté de pensée et la liberté d’expression dans notre pays.
Elle souhaite que les assassins soient au plus vite arrêtés et jugés, et que toute la lumière soit faite sur leurs motivations ainsi que sur les conditions ayant permis que le siège de l’hebdomadaire ait pu être ainsi attaqué.
Nous appelons à un rassemblement à 17h place de la République
Montreuil, mercredi 7 janvier 2015

France – SNJ

Charlie-Hebdo : c’est la liberté d’expression qu’on assassine Il n’y a pas de mot assez fort pour exprimer aujourd’hui la tristesse et la colère de la profession. Le massacre perpétré contre la rédaction de Charlie-Hebdo est une horreur qui nous frappe toutes et tous. Quand on tue des journalistes, c’est pour faire peur à toute une profession, c’est pour faire taire. Attaquer un journal, c’est vouloir museler la liberté d’expression dans une démocratie. Le fait que ce soit Charlie-Hebdo qui ait été visé est un symbole important. Le Syndicat National des Journalistes (SNJ), première organisation de la profession, tient à assurer Charlie-Hebdo de tout son soutien en ce moment particulièrement cruel. Il tient à assurer de toute sa solidarité les familles des victimes, journalistes, employés de presse comme policiers. Le SNJ rappelle que, depuis l’été 2014, pas moins de 5 journalistes sont directement menacés de mort pour des articles publiés sur des sujets divers. Hier encore, mardi 6 janvier 2015, un de nos confrères du Monde à reçu une quatrième menace de mort. Le SNJ demande un rendez-vous au Ministre de l’Intérieur pour avoir connaissance de l’état de l’enquête sur l’attentat commis contreCharlie-Hebdo ce terrible mercredi 7 janvier et des autres enquêtes concernant tous les journalistes menacés. Le SNJ appelle toutes les rédactions à observer une minute de silence, et à un rassemblement citoyen à 17 heures près du siège de Charlie-Hebdo, place de la République à Paris.

Italie – FNSI

Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana
Roma, 7 gennaio 2015
Prot. n. 2/C
Il Segretario Generale della Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana, Franco Siddi, ha dichiarato:
« Orrore e profonda indignazione per il vile e feroce assalto a colpi di kalashnikov alla redazione di Charlie Hebdo a Parigi ad opera di terroristi. Un attentato alla libertà di informazione che, ad ora, è costato la vita a dodici persone e a non meno di venti feriti. Un vero abominio che la Fnsi condanna durissimamente e che, assieme alla Federazione Internazionale dei Giornalisti (Ifj) saprà essere vicina ai colleghi del settimanale così orrendamente colpiti e a tutti i giornalisti di Francia ».

France – CFDT

CARNAGE MEURTRIER À « CHARLIE-HEBDO »: DÉGOÛT ET COLÈRE La Fédération Communication Conseil Culture CFDT exprime son dégoût et sa colère suite à l’attaque à l’arme lourde du local de « Charlie Hebdo » ayant provoqué un carnage sanglant avec douze morts selon le dernier bilan et plusieurs blessés dans un état grave.
La démocratie est attaquée à travers un de ses piliers fondamentaux qu’est la liberté de la presse. C’est cette liberté essentielle qui était visée déjà en 2013 lors de la fusillade dans les locaux de « Libération » ou l’agression dans ceux de « BFM-TV ».
Aujourd’hui, le carnage perpétré à « Charlie-Hebdo » franchit une étape supplémentaire dans l’escalade de la violence et la terreur. Cet attentat terroriste est le plus important que la France ait eu à subir depuis des décennies…
Pour sa part, et plus spécifiquement dans le cadre de la défense intransigeante de la liberté de la presse face à toutes les menaces obscurantistes, la F3C CFDT s’associera à toute initiative pour exprimer sa colère face à l’horreur et sa solidarité à l’égard de nos collègues.
La F3C CFDT adresse ses condoléances aux familles et proches des victimes, ainsi qu’à l’ensemble des salariés de Charlie-Hebdo.

France – CFDT Journalistes

C’est la liberté de la presse qu’on met à mort. La démocratie est en danger. Malgré les protections devant le siège de Charlie-Hebdo, 2 terroristes déterminés ont réussi à pénétrer dans les locaux et tuer 12 de nos confrères et des policiers qui devaient les protéger.  Beaucoup d’autres sont blessés dont plusieurs entre la vie et la mort, à l’heure de ce communiqué. CFDT-Journalistes appellent tous les journalistes à manifester d’une manière ou d’une autre leur solidarité envers le personnel de Charlie-Hebdo. Nous appelons également tous les journalistes à manifester leur attachement à la liberté de la presse et montrer que le terrorisme ne nous empêchera pas de travailler librement.

Allemagne – DJV

DJV entsetzt über Anschlag auf Charlie Hebdo Berlin, 7.01.2015 – Mit Entsetzen hat der Deutsche Journalisten-Verband auf den Terrorakt gegen die französische Satirezeitschrift Charlie Hebdo reagiert. DJV-Bundesvorsitzender Michael Konken sprach den Angehörigen der elf Toten das Beileid aller 36.000 Mitglieder des Deutschen Journalisten-Verbands aus. Den Verletzten wünschte er eine möglichst schnelle Genesung. Nach ersten Berichten drangen zwei schwer bewaffnete Täter am Morgen in die Redaktionsräume der islamkritischen Zeitschrift ein und schossen um sich. Dabei sollen elf Menschen den Tod gefunden haben. Zehn weitere Redaktionsmitarbeiter sollen verletzt worden sein. Die Täter befänden sich auf der Flucht, hieß es. „Das ist ein Anschlag auf das Grundrecht der Presse- und Meinungsfreiheit“, sagte Konken. „Es ist unfassbar, dass in einem demokratischen und freiheitlichen Land eine Satirezeitschrift in den Fokus von Fanatikern geraten kann, die mit brutalsten Mitteln versuchen, islamkritische Standpunkte zu unterdrücken.“ Der DJV- Vorsitzende appellierte an die französischen Sicherheitsbehörden, die Täter so schnell wie möglich dingfest zu machen.

Royaume-Uni – NUJ

Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ general secretary, said: « The assassination of journalists at Charlie Hebdo, cynically targeted on press day to maximise casualties, took place on press day, is an attempt to assassinate the free press. Our hearts go out to the families of the 10 journalists and police officers killed in this despicable raid. The newspaper had already been the subject of attacks by people who want to supress democracy and freedom of speech. These journalists have now paid with their lives; the perpetrators must swiftly be brought to justice. Supporters of free speech and civil liberties must stand together with governments to condemn this act and defend the right of all journalists to do their job without fear of threats, intimidation and brutal murder. »

Pays-Bas – NVJ

Doden na schietpartij Charlie Hebdo

Norvège – NJ

Svart dag for ytrings- friheten En alvorlig og uhyggelig hendelse. Dette er en svart dag for journalister og ytringsfriheten, sier NJs leder Thomas Spence om angrepet på redaksjonen i det satiriske ukebladet Charlie Hedbo i Paris. Svart dag for ytrings- friheten Han frykter udåden kan føre til frykt, redsel og selvsensur i redaksjoner av frykt for å bli angrepet av ekstremister. Frie, kritiske redaksjoner er en del av fundamentet for et levende demokrati. Derfor må alle som vil forsvare demokratiet hindre at lignende skjer igjen. Også i Norge opplever vi at journalister trues og trakasseres både i sosiale medier, og gjennom konkrete trusler. Myndigheter og påtalemyndighet må arbeide for å hindre lignende handlinger i Norge, og alle trusler mot journalister og redaksjoner må følges opp med etterforskning og nedleggelse av strenge påstander for domstolene, sier han. —– Les journalistes norvégiens réagissent avec horreur à l’attaque terroriste contre le magazine Charlie Hebdo.
Vous êtes dans nos pensées et dans nos cœurs en cette période diffcile. C’est une tragédie pour les victimes, et une journée noire pour les journalistes et pour la liberté d’expression. L’attentat risque d’avoir comme effet que les journalistes craignent de faire leur travail de la manière qu’ils jugent juste et nécessaire. Qu’ils craignent pour leur vie et leur santé. Nous sommes tous perdants si nous laissons ceux qui se mettent en dehors des normes démocratiques de discussion, de critique et d’analyse de décider si et comment un tel extrémisme religieux doit être traité par la presse. Ça rendrait le débat social vulnérable à de nouvelles attaques. Les caricaturistes de Charlie Hebdo croyaient en la force de la satire pour déshabiller le pouvoir. Si les extrémistes craignent la liberté d’expression, c’est parce qu’elle fonctionne réellement. Et la satire parce qu’elle frappe fort. Nous devons en ce moment crucial étendre la liberté de l’expression plutôt que de la restreindre. L’attaque contre Charlie Hebdo n’est pas seulement une grande tragédie de nos jours. Il fait également partie d’une longue série de victimes ces derniers centenaires de la guerre pour la liberté d’expression. Et s’il y a une chose que nous pouvons apprendre de l’histoire, c’est que la liberté d’expression ne peut sortir gagnant si on ne se sert pas de cette liberté. Surtout quand elle est sous l’attaque. Donc, aujourd’hui – et dans les années à venir – nous devons tous oser être Charlie Hebdo. —- The Norwegian Union of Journalists react with horror at the terrorist attack on the magazine Charlie Hebdo. We stand behind you in this difficult time. It is a tragedy for the victims, and a black day for journalists and freedom of expression. Our thoughts are with you. The danger is that the heinous attack scare journalists and editors worldwide from doing the job they have to do, for fear of the consequences. We will all loose if we let those who put themselves outside the democratic norms of discussion, criticism and analysis, decide whether and how such religious extremism should be covered. The debate would be restricted and vulnerable to new attacks. The cartoonists in Charlie Hebdo believed that satire can reveal power. We owe them to stick to this thought. Extremists fear freedom of expression because it actually works. Satire because it actually hit. And we owe them to stick to free speech, to extend it instead of restricting it. Charlie Hebdo is not just a tragedy of today, it is also one of the victims in a long series of victims in the centuries-old war for freedom of expression. If there is one thing we can learn from history, it is that freedom of expression only succeed when it is used. Not at least when it is under attack. So today – and in the years ahead – we must all dare to be Charlie Hebdo.

Espagne – FESP

Brutal atentado en París contra Charlie Hebdo

Suède – SJ

Jonas Nordling: « Avskyvärt dåd mot det fria ordet » Den franska satirtidningen Charlie Hebdo utsattes på onsdagen för en väpnad attack där tolv personer dödats och ytterligare tio personer skadats. − Attacken mot Charlie Hebdo är ett avskyvärt dåd mot det fria ordet, och visar på journalisters utsatthet. Pressfriheten måste hela tiden försvaras. Journalistförbundet fördömer detta vansinnesdåd och vi sänder våra kondoleanser till de anhöriga, säger Jonas Nordling, ordförande för Journalistförbundet.

Suisse – impressum – die Schweizer JournalistInnen

Schweizer Journalisten trauern um getötete Kolleginnen und Kollegen von „Charlie Hebdo“. Massaker wird aufs Schärfste verurteilt. Der heutige Anschlag hat mindestens 12 Menschenleben gefordert. Die Karikaturistinnen, Karikaturisten, Journalistinnen und Journalisten sind zutiefst erschüttert und sprechen den Angehörigen der Opfer ihr tiefstes Beileid aus. Wir verurteilen den brutalsten Angriff auf die Presse- und Meinungsäusserungsfreiheit aufs Schärfste und fordern die kompromisslose Strafverfolgung aller Verantwortlichen.

Croatie – CJA

Horrified by killing crusade on journalists of The Charlie Hebdo Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) is horrified by terrible terrorist attack on satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris and by killing at least 12 persons. This is unprecedented attack on journalists and media employees, even policemen. That journalism is dangerous profession in this time of raising terrorism is needless to say. This is an attack on journalistic and media freedom. And this day will certainly be remembered in the history of journalism. Its consequences will echo for years to come. The Charlie Hebdo published caricature of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of so-called Islam State on Twitter. The newsroom was attacked and burned down by bomb even in 2011, after publishing caricature of Mohammad the Prophet. Croatian Journalists’ Association expresses its sincere condolences to victims’ families and will send letter of solidarity to the French Journalist Union. Zdenko Duka, CJA president

Greece – JUADN

“The Executive Board of the Journalists’ Union of the Athens Daily Newspapers send following message of support and solidarity to SNJ CGT expressing horror over the high cost of innocent lives from the attack against « Charlie Hebdo » edition in Paris, driving in mourning journalists in France and all over the world. Dear Colleagues of the SNJ CGT today Greek journalists from Athens join their voice with yours in seeking justice for the tragic loss of « Charlie-Hebdo » innocent men and women, who chose to ignore threats and intimidation by serving freedom of expression and the Press. The massacre of « Charlie-Hebdo » colleagues is an important matter to all journalists and the world public opinion. » Maria Antoniadou JUADN President

Croatie – TUCJ

Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the members of the Trade Union of Croatian Journalists (TUCJ) from Zagreb, Croatia, we express our deepest sympathy to the families, friends and colleagues of the killed Charlie Hebdo journalists, innocent victims of the barbaric act of terrorist violence. France has always been a lighthouse of freedom and we believe it will continue to hold the torch of media freedom brightly lit and high – in spite of all threats. This odious terroristic act against journalists and caricaturists of Charlie Hebdo will not succeed in its pathologic objective – to intimidate and discourage journalists in pursuing their honourable profession in spite of all dangers. Journalists all arround the world, joined in solidarity, will best remember and honour their distinguished colleagues from the Charlie Hebdo – by continuing to perform professional tasks in line with the words by Jean-Jacques Rousseau: I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful and safe slavery. Yours in solidarity, Anton Filic, TUCJ President Jasmina Popovic, IFJ Vice-President

Autriche – GPA-djp

Journalistengewerkschaft in der GPA-djp zu Terrorattacke: Politik und Gesellschaft gefordert
Wien (OTS) – „Der Anschlag auf das französische Satiremagazin zeigt, dass die Freiheit der Meinungsäußerung  leider auch mitten in Europa gefährdet ist. Wenn kritische Journalistinnen und Journalisten in ihrem Leben bedroht sind, weil sie ihre Meinung veröffentlichen, dann ist die Politik gefordert – aber auch eine Gesellschaft, die radikalen und fundamentalistischen Strömungen gegenüber, aus welcher Richtung sie auch immer kommen, viel zu lang lasch oder gar nicht gehandelt hat. Toleranz gegenüber der Meinung Anderer zählt zu den Grundwerten einer modernen Gesellschaft, und Medien stellen die wichtigste Plattform für Dialog und Diskussion dar. Ganz Europa ist nun aufgerufen, sich gegen diesen religiös motivierten Terrorismus zu stellen und die Freiheit der Meinungsäußerung zu verteidigen“, so der Vorsitzende der Journalistengewerkschaft in der GPA-djp Franz C. Bauer.


Our hearts are with the families of victims Now is the time to show our solidarity! UBJ “Podkrepa” condemns the barbaric terrorist act that took away the lives of fellow journalists from Charlie Hebdo magazine and two police officers. The brutal attack was an unprecedented in its cruelty and hatred attempt against the most important achievement of the democratic world – the freedom of speech. We call on the French authorities to make all efforts the perpetrators of this heinous crime to be revealed and to bear the full extent of the law. Journalists from UBJ Podkrepa join their colleagues from the International and European Federation of Journalists and express most sincere sympathies to the relatives and friends of those who died. Our hearts are with you! Now is the time to show our solidarity. We should unite and support strongly the freedom of speech and tolerance and we should resist the forces of division and hatred. We must not allow extremists to take away our right to express views and opinions. We support the call, after the horrific attack, with which EFJ came out to national governments, the European Union and intergovernmental organizations, the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe – ОSСЕ to intensify their efforts to ensure the protection of journalists in Europe. Simultaneously with colleagues from the International Press Center at Residence Palace today we will honor a minute’s silence in memory of the journalists who were killed. We will assist everyone who wishes to support the families of the victims. Homage to the killed colleagues!

Monaco – SJM

Les journalistes du Syndicat des journalistes  professionnels de Monaco ont appris avec consternation et avec une insupportable émotion l’attaque inadmissible dont a été victime Charlie Hebdo. Le S.J.M. tient à exprimer son soutien aux familles et aux proches des victimes et sa solidarité la plus profonde à l’égard de ses confrères de Charlie. Le S.J.M., bouleversé par cet acte inqualifiable reste et restera plus que jamais attaché aux principes fondamentaux de sa mission d’information principe fondateur de toute démocratie LE SJM (membre de la FIJ)

Pologne – PJA

Statement of the Polish Journalists Association January 8th, 2015 The journalists of the Polish Journalists Association express grief, condolences and solidarity with colleagues from French satirical magazine « Charlie Hebdo ». The journalists were killed in a violent attack on the editorial office located in the center of Paris, in the center of Europe. Attack, which scale and cruelty scares and raises the question whether the journalists perform their profession can feel safe. The perpetrators of this terrible assault killed our colleagues, whom we see off in pain. On behalf of the board of the Polish Journalists Association Krzysztof Skowroński, President of the PJA Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy, V-ce President of the PJA Piotr Legutko, V-ce President of the PJA

Hongrie – HPU

I do assure you and all our colleagues in the IFJ/EFJ, that the Hungarian Press Union fully condems this barbaric and coward terror act against not only the magazine, its co-workers, but against the freedom of the press and against all democratic values. We offer condolences to the families, friends, collegues of the killed French journalists, to all French press workers and to those who loved and honoured the victims and their work. We share their dolour. We express solidarity with colleagues from satirical Charlie Hebdo magazine and with all the brave and respectable French journalist.   The Hungarian Press Union is member of the biggest Hungarian trade union confederion, the Hungarian  Labour Union.  I’am authorized to express solidarity and condolence on behalf  of all organized workers, members of this union confederation. Thank you for handling our statement of solidarity and condolence. László M. Lengyel

Slovénie – SAJ

Slovene Association of Journalists yesterday (Thursday) organized two solidarity gatherings of journalists, one in Ljubljana and other in Maribor. More at

Biélorussie – BAJ

STATEMENT of Belarusian Association of Journalists The Belarusian Association of Journalists would like to express sincere words of condolence to our colleagues from France. The act of terror at the Charlie Hebdo editorial office with 12 victims and more people wounded is shocking and bloodcurdling.. We do believe that the attackers will be detained and brought to fair trial. We are fully convinced that France will continue to show the traditionally high standards of freedom of speech to the world, despite the faced hardships and challenges. We are all Charlie-Hebdo! Let’s stay strong! With words of condolence and solidarity, BAJ Minsk, 8 January 2015

Pérou – ANP

ANP expresa condolencias a gobierno y pueblo francés por atentado criminal contra semanario Charlie Hebdo La Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) manifestó al gobierno y pueblo francés, a través de una carta dirigida al embajador de Francia en el país, Fabrice Mauriès, su profunda consternación por el atentado criminal perpetrado en la redacción del semanario « Charlie Hebdo », con un saldo doloroso de muertos y heridos. La ANP señaló que este ataque enluta al periodismo mundial en particular y a la ciudadanía de todos los continentes en general, creyentes de la libertad, igualdad y fraternidad, como valores supremos de la humanidad. « La ANP, institución decana del gremio de la prensa peruana, hace votos para que las familias de las víctimas encuentren consuelo, con la esperanza que la justicia se encargue de sancionar a los autores intelectuales y materiales de un hecho que horroriza y que ojalá nunca más se vuelva a repetir », expresa el comunicado suscrito por el presidente de la institución gremial, Roberto Mejía Alarcón y la Secretaria General, Zuliana Lainez Otero. La ANP ha izado su bandera gremial a media asta en señal de duelo. Lima, 8 de enero del 2015 SECRETARIA EJECUTIVA DE COMUNICACIONES

Lithuanie – LJU

Today (Thursday), at 12 o’clock at the French Embassy in Lithuania Lithuanian journalists will come to respect and solidarity campaign « I am Charlie” # JeSuisCharlie Dainius Radzevicius Chairman of Lithuanian Journalists Union Solidarity message from Education International: Solidarity with Charlie Hebdo

Brasil - FENAJ

FENAJ lamenta mortes e condena ataque à revista francesa A Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ) repudia e condena o ataque à revista francesa Charlie Hebdo ocorrido na manhã desta quarta-feira, 7 de janeiro, que resultou na morte de 12 pessoas e deixou, pelo menos, outros dez feridos. Entre os mortos estão cinco jornalistas -- os cartunistas Charlie Hebdo Charb (Stéphane Charbonnier), Cabu (Jean Cabut), Wolinski (Georges Wolinski), e Tignous (Bernard Verlhac) e o repórter Bernard Maris --, outros cinco funcionários da revista e dois policiais que faziam a segurança do editor Stephane Charbonnier, que estava sob proteção policial. O editor da Charlie Hebdo vinha recebendo ameaças de morte e a revista já havia sido vítima de ameaças e de atentados anteriormente. Suspeita-se que o ataque de hoje, como os anteriores, tenham sido motivados pelas sátiras ao profeta Maomé. A FENAJ repudia a violência contra jornalistas, alertando a sociedade para o perigo da intolerância (seja política, religiosa ou de qualquer natureza) e do obscurantismo, que tem gerado ataques às liberdades de expressão e de imprensa em todo o mundo. A FENAJ soma-se à Federação Internacional dos Jornalistas e à Federação Européia dos Jornalistas na solidariedade aos familiares das vítimas e no firme propósito de que os criminosos sejam identificados e punidos. A polícia francesa ainda não identificou os dois homens que entraram na sede da revista, em Paris, e atiraram contra todos que estavam presentes, fugindo em um carro, conduzido por um terceiro homem. É preciso rigor nas investigações para que este crime brutal não fique impune. A impunidade alimenta a violência contra jornalista. Brasília, 7 de janeiro de 2015. Diretoria da FENAJ.

FEPALC - Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe

FEPALC CONDENA DEMENCIAL ATAQUE A REVISTA SATÍRICA CHARLIE HEBDO La Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) está consternada por el ataque contra la revista satírica Charlie Hebdo que ha terminado con la vida del director de la publicación, Stéphane Charbonnier, los dibujantes Jean Cabut, Georges Wolinski, Bernard Verlhac y el periodista Bernard Maris y otras siete víctimas. Este acto demencial tuvo como blanco a un medio que en cabal ejercicio de la libertad de expresión ha hecho de la sátira, ininterrumpidamente en los últimos 22 años, el mejor medio para cuestionar la actualidad mundial y local. Para la FEPALC esta barbarie debe recibir un castigo ejemplar. Por ello saludamos el intenso operativo desplegado por el gobierno francés para identificar a los autores de los disparos y a quienes estén involucrados en lo que hoy constituye el mayor horror vivido en una redacción francesa en el último siglo. El semanario, por su sarcasmo e irreverencia, ha sido frecuentemente blanco de la intolerancia, pero es la primera vez que tiene que lamentar víctimas mortales. El episodio más reciente se produjo en el 2011 sufrió un ataque con bombas molotov que produjo un incendio de proporciones. En el 2006 la publicación recibió amenazas de grupos radicales por reproducir una caricatura de Mahoma publicada originalmente en el diario danés Jyllands-Posten. La FEPALC, horrorizada por el ataque, expresa su solidaridad a las familias de las víctimas, a los dibujantes, periodistas y al pueblo francés en su conjunto. No podemos permitir que el miedo coarte la paz. No podemos dejar que el pánico lesione un valor fundamental de las sociedades democráticas: la libertad de expresión. 7 de enero 2015 Celso Schroder Presidente FEPALC
Zuliana Lainez Secretaria de Derechos Humanos FEPALC


L'Union Nationale des Journalistes du Mali (UNAJOM) adresse ses condoléances attristées aux journalistes français suite à l'attentat odieux ,criminel barbare indigne et inqualifiable contre Charlie Hebdo. L'UNAJOM reste solidaire aux idéaux de la FIJ pour la défense de la liberté d'expression. Ibrahim Famakan Coulibaly Président UNAJOM Bamako Mali

India - IJU 

IJU expresses outrage over killing of French cartoonists New Delhi, January 8: The Indian Journalists Union (IJU) expressed deep shock and outrage over the killing 12 persons in an attack on office of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical weekly magazine, in Paris on wednesday by Al Quaida terrorists. In the worst ever attack on the fourth estate, three cartoonists, Wolinski, Cabu, Bernard Verlhac and Chief Editor of the Magazine, Stephane Charbonnier lost their lives. The magazine recently published a cartoon on Islamic State militant group leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In a statement on Thursday, Indian Journalists Union (IJU) President S N Sinha, Secretary-General Devulapalli Amar said that the cartoons and cartoonists were usually irreverent of anybody standing on high pedestal and were meant to expose their follies and bring out their human frailties in to sharp focus and tell the people that they are also human beings. Those who were insensitive to the human nature feel offended by the cartoons, they said. By attacking and killing four cartoonists, the terrorists threw a challenge to the fourth estate which must be met with “we do not care and we cannot be intimidated” attitude and carry out task of freedom of expression with renewed vigor, the statement said. The IJU leaders called on the working journalists everywhere to come out in open and tell the extremist elements of all hues that their threats and terror acts would not deter them from their sacred mission. The Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condoled the death of 12 persons including four cartoonists and pledged that the international working journalists professional and trade union movement would not allow their supreme sacrifice to go waste by standing up to the attackers and killers of freedom of expression.

Palestine - PJS

Dear Colleagues, The Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS) joined the French journalists' unions and syndicates in condemning the shooting attack that took place at the offices of the French magazine "Charlie Hebdo" in Paris, in which at least five journalists were murdered. PJS is saddened by this unprecedented assault on "Charlie Hebdo" which has caused a shock among Palestinian journalist. PJS is presenting its' sincere condolences to the victims' families and friends, and hope that those who committed the crime should be punished. Nabhan Khraishi Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate

Colombia – FECOLPER

PERIODISTAS FRANCESES, ESTAMOS CON USTEDES El terrorismo ha dejado huellas imborrables en el periodismo de América Latina, por eso hoy sentimos como propio el dolor de los colegas de Charlie Hebdo en París. Toda nuestra solidaridad y apoyo gremial en estos difíciles momentos. Federación Colombiana de Periodistas -- TO ALL FRENCH JOURNALISTS, WE ARE WITH YOU Terrorism has left indelible marks on journalism in Latin America, so today we feel profound pain for what has happened to our colleagues at Charlie Hebdo in Paris. We extend to you an embrace of solidarity and our support in these difficult times. Colombian Federation of Journalists

James Overton (NUJ PARIS)

Appalled by this brutal attack in Paris and thinking of the journalists, cartoonists and police officers shot down in cold blood today: courageous journalists who used humour against opponents of democracy peace and freedom and brave officers overwhelmed by the violence of the terrorist assault.

Philipe Leruth

Anéanti par la violence meurtrière, indigné par la lâcheté des assaillants criminels, solidaire des familles et des collègues de toutes les victimes, et plus que jamais déterminé à défendre la liberté d’expression et la liberté de la presse, remparts contre l’obscurantisme

Roumanie – Mediasind (Fédération des Journalistes de Roumanie)

RFJ MediaSind adresse ses condoléances aux familles et proches des victimes, ainsi qu’à l’ensemble des salariés de Charlie-Hebdo: (lien) Cristi Godinac, President RFJ MediaSind


La satire est un droit fondamental Le syndicat des journalistes de Turquie (TGS) a fermement réagi contre l’attaque perpétrée ce jour (07/01/2015) contre le journal satirique français Charlie Hebdo. Le syndicat des journalistes de Turquie présente ses plus sincères condoléances aux travailleurs du journal ainsi qu’aux syndicats frères SNJ, CFDT et CGT en France et ajoute que : « Cette atroce attaque contre la liberté de presse et de la liberté d’expression n’a pas seulement visée Charlie Hebdo, il s’agit d’une attaque contre l’ensemble de l’humanité. En tant que journalistes, nous n’allons ni avoir peur, ni baisser les bras face à ce type d’attaques barbares émanant de groupes terroristes. Liberté et démocratie malgré tout »

Serbie - JUS (SINOS)

In the name of Journalist’s Union of Serbia (JUS), pleace, accept our deepest condolences for the death of 12 journalists from satirical newspaper “Charlie Hebdo” in the teroristic and barbarical attack. If you need suport from us, we are ready to help. Secretary of JUS Ivan Ivanovic

Grande-Bretagne - Unison NUJ Chapel 

We want to take this opportunity to send condolences to the families and loves ones of all those who died, and our best wishes for the recovery of those who were wounded in Wednesday’s attack on the offices of satirical magazine ‘Charlie Hebdo’ and on the wider ideas of liberty and free speech. Journalists, by the nature of the work that we do, will always risk offending someone, but offence can never be allowed to justify murder and must never be allowed to quell free speech and the right to satirise. Carol Rawlings & Amanda Kendal, joiny Mothers of the Chapel

Chris Morley, NUJ Manchester, Grande-Bretagne

My heart felt sympathies to all those family and friends of our precious colleagues who lost their lives in the name of freedom of expression and a free media. NUJ chapels (workplace branches) throughout local newspapers in the North and Midlands of England have let me know that our members today demonstrated solidarity with their French colleagues in their own newsrooms. Let us not forget this attack on our profession, or let the powers that be forget it either.


CHERS COLLEGUES, Nous, les journalistes de la Maison d’édition d’éducation et de science Az Buki, Sofia, Bulgarie rendons hommage aux victimes de l’attaque meurtrière contre la rédaction de Charlie-Hebdo. Nous exprimons notre indignation contre l’assassinat de la liberté d’expression, de l’opinion libre et du droit à la liberté de pensées qui sont au cœur des valeurs humaines et de toute société démocratique. Du nom de tous les journalistes des éditions Az Buki, Nadia Kantareva, Directeur

Bulgarie – Syndicat des journalistes de Bulgarie

Dear colleagues, The Union of Bulgarian journalists has just issued a declaration in connection with today’s barbaric attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo which says: All Bulgarian journalists are appalled by the barbaric terrorist attack in Paris which cost the lives of ten talented colleagues and two policemen. This cold-blooded killing is a violent frontal attack on free expression and media freedom and against the fundamental principles of democracy, against the basic and universal values first among which is human life. This despicable crime aims to intimidate not only journalists but also the whole international democratic community and to force them to give up their active defense of their humanistic and democratic values and ideals and to capitulate to the fear of medieval barbarity and religious fanaticism. This tragedy reminds us the bitter truth that there are still powerful forces in our world for whom these principles and values have no meaning whatsoever and that global terrorism remains a horrible threat. We can counter it only by uniting all forces and resources of the international community. It is repugnant that criminals like those in Paris try to hide their evil deeds by false religious slogans. The Union of Bulgarian Journalists stands by its position that true Muslims have nothing in common with the brutal Charlie Hebdo killers and that the misdeeds of the Islamic militants distorts the peaceful and human nature of the religion on whose behalf they pretend to be acting. The despicable killings in Paris again confirm that the journalistic profession is among the most dangerous in the world and that journalists need special protection because they attract upon themselves the malice of all those enemies of the democratic achievements of the human civilization. The Union of Bulgarian Journalists is sending profound condolences to the families and friends of our brutally killed French colleagues and assures all French journalists of its full solidarity with them in this tragic moment. We are confident that proud French journalism will overcome this terrible loss and shock and will uphold the principles and values of free democratic journalism which they have championed throughout the glorious French history. All Bulgarian journalist hope that the brutal killers of our colleagues from Charlie Hebdo and of their editor-in chief Stephane Charbonnier will be captured as soon as possible in order to stand trial and experience the full force of the law. Snezhana Todorova, acting president of UBJ Vassil Sotirov, member of the managing board

Croatie - TUCJ (Syndicat des journalists croates)

Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the members of the from Zagreb, Croatia, we express our deepest sympathy to the families, friends and colleagues of the killed Charlie Hebdo journalists, innocent victims of the barbaric act of terrorist violence. France has always been a lighthouse of freedom and we believe it will continue to hold the torch of media freedom brightly lit and high – in spite of all threats. This odious terroristic act against journalists and caricaturists of Charlie Hebdo will not succeed in its pathologic objective – to intimidate and discourage journalists in pursuing their honourable profession in spite of all dangers. Journalists all arround the world, joined in solidarity, will best remember and honour their distinguished colleagues from the Charlie Hebdo – by continuing to perform professional tasks in line with the words by Jean-Jacques Rousseau: I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful and safe slavery. Yours in solidarity, Anton Filic, TUCJ President Jasmina Popovic, IFJ Vice-President

Islande – Syndicat des journalists islandais

 08/01/2015 at 3:04 pm Reply The Union of Icelandic Journalists condemns the horrible attack on the editorial offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris yesterday and expresses sincere solidarity with the colleagues who were killed. In honor of the victims of this brutal act of violence it should be stressed that freedom of expression cannot be killed with a bullet. This will not intimidate or silence journalists and a free press – today we are all Charlie! We extend our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims. Hjálmar Jónsson, president of the Union of Icelandic Journalists Best Hjálmar

Estonie – Association des journalistes d’Estonie

The members of the Estonian Association of Journalists express solidarity with journalists from French satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo” and wish to express condolences to the colleagues and the family members of the 12 journalists and media workers, who were violently killed by a perpetrator. We agree with the assessment of General Secretary of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) that those bullets were meant for all journalists standing up for the freedom of press and speech. On behalf of Estonian journalist, the board of the Estonian Association of Journalists. On January 8th, 2015     

Biélorussie - BAJ (Association des journalists de Biélorussie)

The Belarusian Association of Journalists would like to express sincere words of condolence to our colleagues from France. The act of terror at the Charlie Hebdo editorial office with 12 victims and more people wounded is shocking and bloodcurdling.. We do believe that the attackers will be detained and brought to fair trial. We are fully convinced that France will continue to show the traditionally high standards of freedom of speech to the world, despite the faced hardships and challenges. We are all Charlie-Hebdo! Let’s stay strong! With words of condolence and solidarity, BAJ Minsk, 8 January 2015

Grèce -  Syndicat des journalistes d’Athènes

The Executive Board of the Journalists’ Union of the Athens Daily Newspapers send following message of support and solidarity to SNJ CGT expressing horror over the high cost of innocent lives from the attack against “Charlie Hebdo” edition in Paris, driving in mourning journalists in France and all over the world. Dear Colleagues of the SNJ CGT today Greek journalists from Athens join their voice with yours in seeking justice for the tragic loss of “Charlie-Hebdo” innocent men and women, who chose to ignore threats and intimidation by serving freedom of expression and the Press. The massacre of “Charlie-Hebdo” colleagues is an important matter to all journalists and the world public opinion. Maria Antoniadou JUADN President