Journee mondiale de l'environnement

Publié le 04 juin 2008 par Denisvacher

Pour contribuer à JOURNEE MONDIALE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT 5 Juin 2008 du Programme des Nations Unies pour l'Environnement dont le theme est cette année la réduction de l’empreinte carbone, voici une sélection de 2 articles :
- un sur le green telecom,
- l’autre sur le green banking.
Avec pour illustrer le poster de sir Branson qui avec Virgin est acteur sur les 2 business (au moins dans les pays anglo-saxons).

Green Telecom :
la vague “carbon” arrive au UK avec British Telecom
BT to Cut Carbon Emissions 80% By 2020
(photo/antenne environnementale tower tube ericsson)
Green Banking :
Voici une reprise du nouveau rapport de Javelin sur le green banking, avec quelques données factuelles dans la partie résumé ci après
Most consumers want to do the right thing, but if the process appears confusing or inconvenient, they simply aren’t going to bother changing their banking habits,” said Mark Schwanhausser, research analyst at Javelin Strategy & Research. “In many ways, it’s up to banks to influence consumers. They must offer tangible, compelling ‘green’ options and make them as simple as screwing in a CFL bulb.”
Key Findings in the Green Banking Report:
• Three out of four consumers receive paper statements.
• 34% of consumers said they switched to electronic statements to reduce their impact on the environment.
• 43% of consumers said they are more likely to do business with companies they perceive to be green.
• One out of five consumers (22%) said green initiatives cement the bond they have with their bank.
• 60% of “green bankers,” or consumers who say environmental impact is “extremely important” in purchasing and banking decisions, are women.
• 64% of “skeptics,” or consumers who say they are “very less likely” to be more loyal to their bank because of its environmental activities, are men.
New Green Banking Study from Javelin Strategy & Research Finds Three Out of Four Consumers Still Clinging to Paper Statements