EDITORIAL - L’État islamique passe de mode

Publié le 01 mars 2017 par Pierrepiccinin

Le rêve sunnite du Califat s'écroule lentement sous les coups de l'Occident triomphant encore de l'Islam, et dans le sang versé avec allégresse par les miliciens chiites d'Irak et d'Iran, ivres de venger la défaite de Kerbala vielle de treize siècles, et puis les rires des...

Soon already, the Islamic State won't be fashionable anymore...

The only active terrorist cell in Europe has been dismantled a long time ago by now - all the way to its peripheral circles; it was the one that had organised attacks on Paris and Brussels, the only large-scale attacks claimed by the IS in the West.
Since then, apart from the horrifying "stroke of luck" of one manipulated lost guy in Cannes, in France... nothing more that could look like an act of war... nowhere.

In Iraq, the last phase of the offensive launched in October 2016 to reconquer Mosul is rolling on and, although the Jihadists, often looking for martyrdom, make proof of furious resistance, the concentration of strength gathered around the city leaves them no chance to survive the assault.

In Syria also, the rope tightens around ar-Raqqa, the capital of the IS.

The Sunni dream of the Caliphate slowly collapses under the blows of the West, still triumphing over Islam, and drowns in the blood happily spilled by the Shiite militiamen of Iraq and Iran, keen to avenge the defeat of Kerbala (thirteen centuries ago).