Sports Betting and Bookmaking: An American History

Par Megamat

Today's book is about schooling you on the history of Sports Betting and Book Making. Arne K. Lang chooses not to focus on the usuals in this subject such as 'rogues' and various 'scandals' that took place, instead he focuses purely as a historian and provides information without baiting for attention.

The book starts with Leonard Jerome, and goes on to have an entire chapter on New York's Racetrack-building Boom. The book also has a chapter on outlaws and big Plungers, and moves on to a funny named chapter 'The Tax Man Cometh' and transitions into Pro Football Betting era and ends with the internet era and high tech phenomena such as simulcasting.

It is a well designed, beautifully executed book, a great read. We 'reccomenth' it! 🙂