Roue libre

Publié le 11 janvier 2019 par Didier Vincent

Allo Huston, on a un problème !

Occurred on January 6, 2019 / Houston, Texas, USA

"A friend and I were driving down I45 in Houston, and I had my phone out as soon as the wheel rolled past us and managed to catch everything after that"

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Roue libre

Huston Allo Huston, on a un problème ! Occurred on January 6, 2019 / Houston, Texas, USA "A friend and I were driving...


Roue libre

Huston Allo Huston, on a un problème ! Occurred on January 6, 2019 / Houston, Texas, USA "A friend and I were driving...


Roue libre

Huston Allo Huston, on a un problème ! Occurred on January 6, 2019 / Houston, Texas, USA "A friend and I were driving...