Alexandra Dupre revient !

Publié le 28 juillet 2008 par Poker

Vous vous souvenez de la Miss Dupre ? ... Histoire ici et ici !

Bon ben j'ai retrouvé sa trace sur Chickipedia leeeeeee site à voir en ce moment lol.

Chickipedia est un clone de Wikipedia la fameuse "encyclopédique sur tous les sujets, créés et édités bénévolement par des contributeurs anonymes..."

Bref tout est là les gars... => ICI

Enfin la miss est pas abattu par toutes ces histoires passées...

Photos persos de la semaine dernière... ok je rigole...


Ashley Alexandra Dupré is an up and coming musician. Oh, and she also moonlights as a high-class prostitute named Kristen, whose two hours with Eliot Spitzer forced him to step down as Governor of New York and pretty much ended his political career in March 2008.

In Her Own Words

I am all about my music, and my music is all about me… It flows from what I’ve been through, what I’ve seen and how I feel. I live in New York and am on top of the world. Been here since 2004 and I love this city, I love my life here. But, my path has not been easy. When I was 17, I left home. It was my decision and I’ve never looked back. Left my hometown. Left a broken family. Left abuse. Left an older brother who had already split. Left and learned what it was like to have everything, and lose it, again and again. Learned what it was like to wake up one day and have the people you care about most gone. I have been alone. I have abused drugs. I have been broke and homeless. But, I survived, on my own. I am here, in NY because of my music. It started when I moved in with a musician during my odyssey to New York. One day, I was in the shower singing “respect.” He and his lead guitarist burst in, had me repeat it and it started. We wrote, rehearsed and toured. After recording a bit with them, I decided to move to Manhattan to pursue my music career. I spent the first two years getting to know the music scene, networking in clubs and connecting with the industry. Now, it’s all about my music. It’s all about expressing me. I can sit here now, and knowingly tell you that life’s hard sometimes. But, I made it. I’m still here and I love who I am. If I never went through the hard times, I would not be able to appreciate the good ones. Cliché, yes, but I know it’s true. I have experienced just how hard it can be. I can honestly tell you to never dwell on the past, but build from it and keep moving forward. Don’t let anyone hold you back or tell you that you can’t…because you can. I didn’t and here I am, just listen to it…. What we Want is my latest track. It’s really about trust, something my past has made very difficult for me to feel. This one [song] was inspired by a guy, who taught me not to confuse my dreams with the sounds of the city...