Marketo est un thème WordPress multi-fournisseurs polyvalent pour le commerce électronique avec un menu vertical, parfait pour votre entreprise de commerce électronique. Ce thème WordPress contient plus de 11 conceptions de pages d’accueil avec Ediatiabe complet, facilement personnalisable et bien organisé.
L’idée du concept Marketo est d’utiliser autant d’espace de manière très simple et conviviale pour montrer de nombreux produits de différentes manières. Vous pouvez trouver plus de 11 styles de page d’accueil différents avec plus de 15 styles d’en-têtes uniques, une page de détails du produit avec la page de blog des pages de la boutique de produits, etc.
Marketo est également compatible avec la solution multifournisseur Dokan. Créez votre propre Amazon, Shopify, eBay, Magento comme le marché en seulement 30 minutes. Démarrez votre propre marché multifournisseur et gagnez des commissions avec des produits allant du numérique au physique en passant par le variable.

Caractéristiques du thème Marketo :
- Construit avec le constructeur de pages Elementor
- Kirki Personnalisateur
- Cadre Unyson
- Facile à personnaliser
- Curseur de révolution
- Propulsé par Woocommerce
- Connexion sociale Wp
- Prise en charge multifournisseur Dokan
- Mise en page entièrement réactive
- Compatible multi-navigateurs avec Edge, IE11+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
- Rétine prête
- Polices Google incluses
- Font Awesome Plus de 400 icônes
- Plus de 200 icônes de ligne
- Propulsé par Bootstrap4
- Animation fluide
- Sections de parallaxe
- Google Maps facile à configurer via les attributs de données
- Bien documenté
- Et beaucoup plus…
Journal des modifications
Version 5.2.0 * Fixed: Built-in header mini-cart not working * Fixed: Slider Revolution issue * Woocommerce 7.8.2 compatible Version 5.1.0 (2023-06-22) * Fixed: Product not showing in shopping cart Version 5.0 (2023-04-02) * Fixed: Responsive issue Version 4.8.0 (2023-02-14) * Fix: Demo page issue Version 4.7.1 (2023-01-30) * Imporve: Security * Woocommerce 7.2.0 compatible Version 4.7.0 (2022-11-07) * Fix: Out-of-stock products showing issue * Update: Marketo features plugin * Woocommerce 7.0.1 compatible Version 4.6.4 (2022-08-29) * Fix: Product tab input issue * Fix: Unyson plugin issue * Fix: Minor UI issue Version 4.6.3 (2022-04-06) * Fix: Elementor `register_control` deprecated issue Version 4.6.2 (2022-03-03) * Fix: Broken Related Product * Fix: CSS issue fixing * Fix: Missing submenu indicator fix Version 4.6.1 (2022-02-17) * Fix: Payment logo issue on default footer Version 4.6 (2021-01-04) * Update: Ajax load more on shop page products * Fix: Logo slider responsive issue fixed * Fix: Ajax add to cart no product on mini cart issue fixed * Fix: Sliders not working with latest elementor fixed * Fix: Product category warning fixed * Fix: Mega Menu badge encoding issue for the Hebrew language fixed Version 4.5 (2021-11-23) * Update: Core web vital performance upgrade * Fix: Product tab one product showing issue * Fix: Incorrect icons if not logged in fixed * Update: Global fonts loader option on customizer Version 4.2 (2021-10-19) * Update: Optimized for fast loading speed * Fix: Ajax product search issue fix * Update: Replace OWL carousel with Swiper Slider * Update: SEO optimization Version 4.0 (2021-08-23) * Fix: Essentials plugin updated Version 3.9 (2021-08-19) * Fix: Checked Compatibility between elementor Version 3.7 (2021-08-03) Added: Added Metform Contact Form builder plugin Fixed: Mega menu issue Version 3.6 Fix: Manually image is not uploading in Marketo Product Slider Widget Version 3.5 Fix: Added lazy loader in images Fix: Fixed woocommerce product compare list issue Fix: Added my account widget Fix: Fixed menu color issue Version 3.4 (02-17-2021) Fix: Elementor new repeater issues fixed. Fix: Cart count mobile disappear issues fixed. Fix: Mini cart closing issues fixed. *Version: 3.3 (01-27-2021) *Elementor new version compatibility. Please update the theme as well Essential plugin which comes with the theme bundle. 3.2 - 2021-01-11 Header ajax category search issue fixed Update rev slider version (6.3.5) Version 3.1 - 2020-12-24 WPML compatibility: All Marketo Shortcode WPML Supported Shortcode improvement: Product category title color change option added My account page fatal error issue Body class print and warning issue Cart page warning issue V.2.7 Fixed Dokan Vendor Biography layout broken issue Fixed shop page and elementor shortcode page quick view modal issue Fixed cart on working on mobile issue Update Elementskit new version compatibility V2.6 Added ElementsKit 2.0.2 compatibility. Please update the theme as well as the Marketo Essential/assistance plugin. V2.5 Update Revolution slider. Version 2.4 Woocommerce latest version compatibility Version 2.3 Improvement - CSS and js optimization Added Header and footer builder support Added sticky support with header builder Old customers can use the header builder with JSON. All JSON included in Marketo package folder Please check this video https://youtu.be/1mbkH13ntYA Version 2.2 Fixed Pagination issue Version 2.1 Fixed header search visibility issue Fixed my account page login reg form issue Updated upsell cross-sell Fixed Dokan map issue Version 2.0.1 Woocommerce compatibility. Fixed cross-sell and up-sell Version 2.0.0 Woocommerce 3.9.3 compatibility Fixed Header 7 issue Version: 1.9.9 - Jan 27 Woocommerce compatibility Version: 1.9.8 - Dec 31 Fixed Vertical menu text broken issue Fixed Reviews broken issue Update Revolution slider Version: 1.9.7 - Nov 14 Update feature on the product tab. WordPress 5.3 compatibility Version: 1.9.5 - Sept 18 Updated shortcode icon Pot file updated Version: 1.9.4 - Aug 09 Update pot file Fixed CSS issue Version: 1.9.2 - JUL 15 Gutenberg compatibility woocommerce compatibility Version: 1.9 - June 23 Dokan issue fixed Version: 1.8 - june 5 Version: 1.6 - 14 may Fixed breadcrumb issue Version: 1.6 - 25 Apr Fixed Woocommerce compatibility Update CSS Improve code Version: 1.5.1 - 28 Feb Fixed Multivendor plugin issue Version: 1.5 - 24 Feb Fixed Dokan compatibility Added Gutenberg compatibility Version: 1.4 - 5 Feb Fixed Backdrop remove menu Fixed search value bug Vertical menu click off but not working Update Shop header Pot file updated Version: 1.3.5 - 3 dec Update pot file Fixed woo sidebar issue issue Version: 1.3.3 - 29 Nov Performance update fixed Image load issue Version: 1.3.2 - 10 Nov Fixed RTL issue. Version: 1.3.1 - 23 oct Woocommerce 3.5 compatible Update pot file Translation string updated Rtl CSS updated Version: 1.3 - 23 oct Added 3 more demo Fixed Control bug Fixed new menu issue Sort by Translation issue fixed Carousel issue fixed Version: 1.2.0 - 15 oct + Added two new demo + 7 new menu style added + WooCommerce Variation Swatches + Added Ajax select control # Fixed CSS issue Version: 1.0.9 - 21 sept 2918 + Added Category Image and text option in shop page. + Added Dedicated Mobile Nav style <3 + Added Shop 2.3.4 Column product display option # Improve Most shortcodes block for better style # Nav search full width option # CSS issue fixed # Product cart Ajax Updated Version: 1.0.9 - 21 sept 2918 Compatible nextend social login plugin Theme CSS Improvement Fixed image cropping issue Color Hover field added Fixed Ajax Search Dedicated menu for mobile device Version: 1.0.8 Quickview fixed for the small device Improve Wishlist for the small device Improve small device style Promotion bar issue fixed Version: 1.0.7 Improve CSS Fixed Responsive css Update Docs Version: 1.0.6 Fixed loop Style. <br /> Update rtl menu Css Version: 1.0.5 Fixed RTL issue Update pot file Fixed trnslation issue Update responsive css Improve mobile menu Version: 1.0.4 + Added Wc marketplace + Added Product Comparison table + Added Algolia Search # Fixed Timer Translation # Fixed RTL Tab issue # Fixed Header responsive issue Version: 1.0.3 + Added image clickable demo + Added Ajax Search + Added RTL Demo # Improved CSS Version: 1.0.2 # Improved CSS Version: 1.0.1 # Improved CSS
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