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Exertio – Thème WordPress du marché indépendant

Publié le 29 septembre 2023 par Mycamer


Exertio – Thème WordPress du marché indépendant

Identifiants de connexion à la démo

Email:[email protected]
Password: admin

mise à jour du thème d'exercice 1.0.10

réunion zoom exercice 1.1.1

thème d'exercice avec option Wizzchat

caractéristiques d'exercice

Thème WordPress pour l’annuaire du marché indépendant

Exertio est un thème WordPress premium qui vous a permis de créer et de lancer votre site Web de services indépendants et de publication de projets. Vous pouvez créer un portail similaire, Fiverr ou Upwork avec un système basé sur des commissions. Vos utilisateurs peuvent créer gratuitement des comptes employeur et indépendant en une minute.

Exertio est un thème WordPress Marketplace complet et super puissant, spécialement conçu pour les propriétaires d’entreprises de services souhaitant développer leur activité en ligne. Que votre entreprise soit une petite ou une grande entreprise entièrement fonctionnelle, ce thème WordPress indépendant le plus avancé vous aidera à créer un site Web complet et riche en fonctionnalités.

Nous avons développé le thème Exertio en utilisant une excellente qualité de code et des besoins de conception excellents. Notre équipe a conçu et développé ce thème à l’aide d’études de marché pour le rendre compatible avec les utilisateurs qui recherchent le meilleur site Marketplace. Cela crée la meilleure expérience utilisateur pour les utilisateurs finaux.

Voici quelques-unes des fonctionnalités du thème Exertio Directory :

  • Système de discussion intégré
  • Invitation à un projet et offres personnalisées
  • Alertes emploi
  • Intégration de réunions par appel vidéo avec zoom
  • Champs personnalisés pour les projets et services, les employeurs et les indépendants
  • Domaine de spécialisation pour les indépendants
  • Déclarations transversales
  • Notifications sur site
  • Création de jalons
  • Inviter des freelances pour un projet
  • Modifier les propositions
  • Création de paiement manuellement ou automatiquement
  • Pied de page d’en-tête Elementor
  • Rapport Freelance, Employeur, Projet, Service
  • vérification de l’E-mail
  • Vérification d’identité
  • Inscription et connexion
  • Connexions aux réseaux sociaux Facebook ou Google, etc.
  • Création de profil pour Freelance,
  • Affichage des services
  • Création de modules complémentaires
  • Serveur payant ou services gratuits
  • Images et vidéos des services
  • Foire aux questions sur les services
  • Services en vedette
  • Système de commission sur les services complétés
  • Marquer comme services enregistrés
  • Publication de projets
  • Projet payant ou gratuit.
  • Micro-revenus
  • Système d’appel d’offres sur les projets.
  • Évaluation des pigistes
  • Enchère en vedette, enchère supérieure, enchère collante payées séparément
  • Système de portefeuille
  • Courtisez le commerce.
  • Générateur de pages Elementor
  • Contacter pour 7
  • Options du thème Redux
  • Paiements
  • Lang.Traduction prête
  • Dernier Bootstrap 5
  • Dernier JQuery
  • HTML5 et CSS3
  • Vraiment réactif
  • Design épuré et créatif
  • Facile à personnaliser
  • Section entièrement réutilisable
  • Spots publicitaires ciblés
  • Grille de catégories intelligente et créative
  • Style d’annonce multiple
  • Compatible avec plusieurs navigateurs
  • Tableau de bord utilisateur complet
  • Pages de profil utilisateur
  • 404 et page Contactez-nous
  • SEO optimisé
  • Documentation bien gérée
  • Barre latérale de recherche avancée
  • et beaucoup plus…

REMARQUE : nous ne fournissons aucune assistance pour les sites Web pour adultes/rencontres. Si vous souhaitez créer votre site Web en utilisant notre thème 18+, vous pouvez l’acheter, mais ne vous attendez pas à une prise en charge des sites Web illégaux, pour adultes ou de rencontres.

Ce thème est soutenu par Plugin de discussion WordPress WhizzChat et WhizzChat est un plugin payant.

Attention : le service Google Maps a mis à jour sa politique. Veuillez lire les détails par ici

Rejoignez le groupe communautaire Exertio sur Facebook :

Exertio – Utilisateurs du thème WordPress Freelance Marketplace (officiel)

Documentation sur le thème de l’exercice

Exercice Tutoriels vidéo

Journaux de modifications du thème Exertio

Mises à jour : v 1.2.6 – 13 septembre 2023

1-  The Plugin bulk install issue is fixed.
2-  Fixed the order complete issue when shipping is enabled.
3-  Translation issue fixed in the SB - Chat plugin.
4-  Fixed issue with paid alert.
5-  The verification email was not working correctly.
6-  Fatal error on activating the SB - Chat plugin
7-  All projects created automatically appear in every freelancer' "Saved Projects" section, even when the user is newly created.
8-  While posting the service, the YouTube video does not display until we upload an attachment.
9-  Tested with WordPress 6.3.1.
10- Fix warnings of functions deprecated after updating to Elementor 3.16.2.
11- Remove the WooCommerce-affected template warnings.
12- We have added a Custom Email Template to admin with on/off for Addon while creating or updating from the front end.
13- Strings corrected in the dashboard for completed and ongoing services.

Mises à jour : v 1.2.5 – 12 mai 2023


1) Plugin update issue resolved
2) Widget import issue resolved

Mises à jour : v 1.2.4 – 10 mai 2023

Added :

1) Built-in Free Chat system added  (employer and freelancer built-in chat system)
2) The map on the project detail page with an off option 
3) Invitation system, the employer can invite freelancers to his projects
4) Compatible with WordPress 6.2.x


1) Fixed an issue where the alert delete option was not working.
2) Fixed an issue where the "Hire Now" button on the freelancer detail page was not working.
3) Fixed an issue where the employer was not able to see recent proposals on their dashboard.
4) Resolved errors with project complete payouts and milestones.
5) Fixed an issue in which skills were not being saved in projects from the admin dashboard.
6) Fixed an issue where the footer was being displayed on the Whizchat plugin dashboard.
7) Resolved image issues in the hero section 1.
8 ) Employer buy package issue
9) Freelancer graph issue on the dashboard when register type is disabled
10) Dispute issue employer was not able to create a dispute on purchased services
11) Services addons were not being calculated in woo commerce purchased services.
12) Some of the disputes were missing from the dashboard
13) Addon details were missing for freelancers on ongoing services
14) Translation file updated

Mises à jour : v 1.2.3 – 15 mars 2023

fixes : 
1) Elementor text editor was not showing the issue resolved

Mises à jour : v 1.2.2 – 13 mars 2023

Added :
1) Can dismiss exertio welcome section on admin dashboard
2) Can see the package type in the products column in the dashboard
3) Reject the project for admin approval with an email option 
4) Reject service for admin approval with an email option 
5) Bump Up services package based on added
6) A portfolio site link field was added for a freelancer
7) Custom project offer (employer can send custom offers to freelancers on their proposals)
8 ) Hire now will redirect to create a project on the freelancer detail page.
9) Notification icon added in header 2

fixes : 
1) Updated outdated woocomerce template
2) Admin approval note was not being dismissed
3) The job alert categories dropdown was not working
4) Search services by category not working
5) Buy woocomerce services were not working 
6) The user was receiving email notifications of service purchases even before the order completed

Mises à jour : v 1.2.1 – 24 novembre 2022

1: Footer duplication issue resolved.

Mises à jour : v 1.2– 22 novembre 2022

1: Notification is now clickable.
2: Different project and service ratings for freelancers in the dashboard were added.

1: proposal description of the special character issue.
2: registration email issue is fixed.
3: The footer also shows on the dashboard.
4: If we add an addon from the backend and apply HTML on it, it will show broken on the front end.
5: When saving a project, on the detail page the color red doesn't work.
6: The map was still showing on add service and add project even though we turned it off from theme options.
7: When creating a new user, two verification emails are sent, one from WordPress and another one from the theme.
8: Rating not showing on the freelancer dashboard.
cover letters in different places show broken.
9: Reviews option on the freelancer dashboard is not redirected anywhere.
10: Saved projects not showing in the dashboard on the saved projects section.

Mises à jour : v 1.1.9– 25 juillet 2022

1: Job Alerts (Added as more monetization feature for Admin)
2: Ability for the user to delete a payout request.
3: Add the user wallet amount on the admin side in the Freelancer/employer column
4: Hide remove bread Crumb option


1: Menu issue on the login and register page
2: styling issues on detail pages
3: Hide the department, and number of employees from the sidebar if it is selected hidden in the theme option

Mises à jour : v 1.1.8– 17 juin 2022

1: option to show or hide admin as freelancer and employer on the search page and home page as well
2: email an admin about pending project posting
3: The display name of the employer and freelancer added to the dashboard table
4: My Ratings were added to the dashboard
5: Attachment on/off option
6: Allow admin to disable experience, education details, skills, awards


1: Service slider styling fixed
2: translation strings added
3: Keywords redirection issues fixed
4: typo errors removed
5: styling issues on detail pages
6: admin profile update issue fixed
7: addons options not showing
8: registration slider not showing in the theme options

Mises à jour : v 1.1.7– 29 avril 2022

1: Styling issue fixed
2: Dispute publish automatically
3: Services options error solved
4: Packages purchase issue fixed
5: Double entry of ongoing purchase resolved
6: Dispute issue (not posting dispute)resolve 

Mises à jour : v 1.1.6– 27 avril 2022
REMARQUE : n’oubliez pas de mettre à jour la base de données après la mise à jour du thème. Ceci est nécessaire:

1: Styling issue fixed
2: Whizchat plugin issue fixed
3: Alignment issues fixed
4: Submanu issues on detail pages fixed

Mises à jour : v 1.1.5– 25 avril 2022
REMARQUE : n’oubliez pas de mettre à jour la base de données après la mise à jour du thème. Ceci est nécessaire:

1:  Renew Option for expired Projects
2:  Email admin when the dispute is created on projects or services
3.  Employer, freelancer, projects, and services views on the detail page
4:  Total spending for the employer and earnings for a freelancer

5: The styling issue fixed
6: Proposal Amount issue fixed

Mises à jour : v 1.1.4– 15 avril 2022

1:  add sliding images style in the services on the Home page
2:  Custom links in the footer can be added
3.  employer/freelancer profile none clickable with on/off option,
4:  show open job posts of the employer in the sidebar with the on/off option
5:  option to show projects of all taxonomies on the Home page using the exertio projects shortcode
6:  only numbers can be added as price while creating a service/project

6: project list4 skills directed to 404 page, fixed
7: payment issue fixed 

Mises à jour : v 1.1.3– 11 avril 2022

1.  Project Search-Detail page
2.  Proposal Amount or Project amount charged for Projects
3.  Packages removed from the shop page, Products other than packages only shown on the product page
4:  Only Fixed 'Price type' can be selected from the theme option to hide HOURLY price type
5:  While projects and services posting,  show price currency.
6:  Freelancer skills without percentage or with the percentage 
7:  Resend email on verification added


8: Post Type goes to pending while creating a new user even after verification resolved
9: Payout amount not updating (fixed)
10: Elementor Update Issues fixed
11: URL rewriting for freelancers and Employer
12: Expired Projects removed from the Home page
13: After a successful purchase, the theme redirects to the ongoing service/project purchase
14: service purchase is not allowed if both woo-commerce and wallet are off

Mises à jour : v 1.1.2– 16 mars 2022

1:  Email to freelancer or Employer on package expiry
2:  Dispute for services
3:  Direct Service purchase without a wallet
4:  Gender filter for a freelancer
5:  Email verification and then log in
6:  URL re-writing option
7:  Password strong
8:  Option to show projects and services of selective categories on the Home page using the exertio projects and service categories
9:  Specializations showing on the front end.


10: Services grid images clickable
11: Misspelled words corrected
12: A dashboard notification bell will appear on all the pages
13: Plugins updated
14: URL rewriting for freelancers and Employer
15: In the freelancer dashboard, the images are now appearing in the Most Viewed Services section.
16: The styling issue is fixed.
17: Prefix change to the base prefix of DB
18: If hourly price not added, causes error string * string .. resolved
19: When the wallet is off then on the proposal edit modal, the bid addon was showing and the amount can be deducted.. resolved
20: Not allowed to register if the username exists
21:  Woocommerce templates updated
22: Showing notice message on creating project form If without email verification users can't post projects is turned on.
23: The map address is shown on the project detail page with a hiding option.
24: If the project title is set to require and don't add the project title error not showing, resolved.
25: Sub-menu layout issue in Header-2, the layout disturbs the blog pages, Resolved.
26: Menu alignment resolved
27: User ID printed on the Dashboard employer page resolved.
28: Wrong username issue is fixed in the project message resolved.

Mises à jour : v 1.1.1– 22 décembre 2021

1) Zoom API Key Error fixed
2) CSS Fixes

Mises à jour : v 1.1.0– 20 décembre 2021

1) Payment on canceling the service or project
2) Option to give bonus/tips to the freelancer
3) Video Call meeting integration with zoom
4) Added specialization field for freelancers
5) Custom fields for Projects and Services, Employers, and freelancers
6) Possibility to add more than one language for freelancers.
7) User input wallet amount with on/Off from theme options
8 ) Search within the widgets for search sidebars(On/Off From widgets)
9) Freelancer Package Text issues resolved
10) Instagram social share icon redirects to tumbler
11) Translation files updated
12) Style issues fixed
13) Plugin Updated

Mises à jour : version 1.0.10– 13 octobre 2021

1) Statements for all transactions
2) On-Site Dashboard Notification added
3) New header added
4) New home page
5) Payment on refund auto handling
6) Redirection after login and register to the page where the user came
7) Service expiry date issue from the back end resolved
8 ) Small bugs fixes
9) Translation files updated
10) Style file updated
11) Plugins updated

REMARQUE : Comment mettre à jour vers la version 1.0.10 Cliquez ici

Mises à jour : v 1.0.9– 10 septembre 2021

1) Service Purchase issue fixed
2) Translation files updated
3) Style file updated

Mises à jour : v 1.0.8– 08 septembre 2021

1) Single user Registration (please change it carefully as if you change it more than once it will create issues)
2) Front end-user selected Registration
3) Displayed OnGoing Services on the admin side
4) Displayed Completed Services on the admin side
5) Option to hide the project attachments from non-registered users.
6) After registration, the user should be redirected to the freelancer/ Employer dashboard in both account creation with a single email.
7) Number of related services to show with theme options
8 ) Payout creation email to admin
9) Bid winner hid/show option on the project details page.
10) Processing fees while creating Payouts 
11) Employer project pagination issue resolved
12) Alert notification CSS issue
13) Admin can add money to user wallet manually
14) Employer-side service fee added
15) Image upload issue with capital letters was resolved.
16) Translation files updated
17) Style file updated
18) RTL issues fixed
19) Plugin updated

Mises à jour : v 1.0.7– 14 août 2021

1) My Account/woo-commerce profile layout added
2) Remove the wallet completely with the on/Off option
3) Default profile redirection added after login and registration
4) On/Off for project ID/Service ID added
5) Links for freelancer profile added on project detail and proposal page
6) Free Packages can not be purchased twice.
7) Freelancer Choose multiple languages
8 ) Manual approval for specific payment gateways even Auto approval active
9) Delete all users Issue fixed
10) Spell Mistakes corrected
11) Translation Added for missing strings
12) Data Issue resolved in the project section
13) Skill issues more than 100% value resolved
14) Project fields hide/show option
15) Cancelled project from employer side resolved
16) Wallet Amount in ascending order
17) Proposal duplication after hired freelancer issue fixed
18) Profile image on chat messages fixed
19) Tax and shipping charges removed from packages and wallet amount purchased.
20) Plugin updated
21) Translation files updated
22) Style file updated
23) RTL issues fixed

Mises à jour : v 1.0.6– 28 mai 2021

1) Freelancer/Employer dashboard Menu hide/show added from theme options
2) Dashboard Package issue resolved
3) Translation files updated
4) Style Fixes
5) Plugin updated

Mises à jour : v 1.0.5– 30 avril 2021

1) Multiple Packages Issues resolved
2) Price formatting issue resolved
3) Translation files updated
4) Style Fixes
5) Plugin updated

Mises à jour : v 1.0.4– 20 avril 2021

1) My Proposals and edited proposals
2) Manually payout creation
3) Milestone Creation
3) Elementor header footer
4) Hire Now Freelancer button(Invite freelancer)
5) Wallet amount to show in the header
6) Post project without email verification ON/OFF.
7) Allow free bidding

1) Special characters not working in the password correctly.
2) Rating a freelancer issue resolved.
3) Services/projects from the admin side not showing resolved
4)Cart issue with the wallet resolved
5) Location links on the footer are resolved.

Mises à jour : v 1.0.3– 12 mars 2021

1) RTL Ready
2) Report to Admin
3) Email Verification
4) Identity Verification 
5) Payout Enable disable
6) Website color from the back end
7) Fissues fixed
8 ) Plugin Updated
9) Style improved

Mises à jour : v 1.0.2– 03 mars 2021

1) WhizzChat Compatibility added
2) Website Color from the back end added
3) Project id/ Service id added on detail page from theme option.
4) Typo Errors removed.
5) Plugin updated
6) Style files updated

Mises à jour : v 1.0.1– 27 février 2021

1) Small Fixes


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